Take Heart
Jennifer Mahone
Photo by Jamez Picard on Unsplash
“I have told you these things,
so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart!
I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
Over these past couple of days, as we come closer to Thanksgiving, we can’t help but to reflect on the things God has done for us throughout the many seasons of our life. The good, the bad and the moments of testing all come to a halt, allowing for a time of evaluation over such things individually. We search the very reasoning for why these things take place and wonder if we have succeeded in overcoming the trial placed before us. Why do these things happen? Why is it that some things bring more confusion or hurt than others? And when do we ever get the chance to successfully predict that which is to come? Hmmmm…What are the answers?
Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.” He revealed to the disciples the truth of what was to come. He gave them a glimpse into the future of what God had predestined for us all. He spoke peace to us all through His word, but yet we still find ourselves in a state of panic, discouragement, worry, frustration…and the list goes on and on. The next part of the verse speaks clearly of the tests and trials we will have to endure, but He has already reaffirmed through His word that we are overcomer’s through Him. He says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” And we still question why and panic when things go a different direction from what we thought would happen. He says to Take Heart!
Take: means to reach for and hold
Heart: means the central or innermost part of something.
So what Jesus was telling the disciples, as well as, all believers (you and I) is that we must “fear not”. Take Heart! Reach out and take hold of the central and innermost part of what He has called us to do, predestined for our life, and set us on this earth to complete.
I continued on through John 17, which is a wonderful chapter…I would encourage you to read it. We find Jesus praying to His father in heaven. He began by praying for Himself, but then continued on to pray for the disciples, specifically in their call to ministry, and then prayed for all believers. He was determined to cover us all, but what I love about His words is that in the beginning of this chapter as he begins to pray, he does not speak of himself as he saw himself, but as how God saw him. He spoke in 3rd person as if he were referring to someone else and then spoke in 1st person referring to himself. He recognized that he belonged to God and his purpose was to make sure we knew God the way he knew him, as our father. This was the great opportunity for us to have a personal relationship with God.
He then prayed specifically for the desciples. His prayer was not that God remove the disciples from this earth but that God would protect them from evil. They still had a calling on their life and were here on purpose, for a purpose. They couldn’t take the easy way out. If they had, where would we be today.
Lastly, he prayed for you and I and all who choose to believe. He took the time to pray for even those who may not know him now, but will one day choose to.
Immediately in the next chapter, John 18, Jesus finishes praying and heads to an olive grove where he is to be betrayed and taken. The olive represents a place of pressing. An olive is squeezed in order to obtain the oil within it. Jesus was going to be squeezd by the enemy, but the oil that came from him is what would one day be poured upon the believers.
This is what the Lord spoke to me in His word:
Jesus knew what was to come but he still prayed for you and I. Often times we pray not knowing what will happen. We pray by faith, but what if we did know the future? What if we could see the trials ahead? Would we still be able to pray as Christ did? Or would we become angry with him? Could we find the strength to go on? Jesus knew they were coming for him but in the moments before his arrest, He prayed for you and I.
The trials in our life should not destroy us but build strength and perseverance in us to go on. We struggle, its not easy, we feel as though we won’t make it, but why do we just give up? Why don’t we fight? We can overcome! He said he has already overcome this world. We have already won but if we allow those things to kill us, then when will we ever be able to encourage the next person in their struggle? When will we be able to speak about Gods mercy and grace? We must fight! We must have faith! Don’t give up! The storm only lasts for a short while. When we endure the storms of life, we take shelter in his word and worship, we pray and comfort those around us, and we wait for the storm to pass. When it’s over, LIFE’S NOT OVER! There may be a mess but we look around, take a deep breath, and begin to pick up that which God promised to restore. We see it restored, revived, and renewed. God can piece any situation back together in its proper place. When trials lay ahead, Jesus prayed.
When we come up to a stop sign in life and the trial delays us for a moment, we look both ways, wait for the traffic to pass and continue on when the road has been cleared. What have you allowed the storms of life to uproot, destroy or displace? Don’t give up, but ask God for the strength to replant, rebuild and rediscover. Take heart! Take hold of all God has purposed for your life and dig deep into the innermost part of your destiny. He has already overcome the world. And never forget that in the midst of trials, there is always a blessing to be found. Thank him for all he’s done for you.
Be Blessed