Building a automatic posting bot pt.2

in #instructions2 days ago


This is what mine looks like so far,but i have removed my password like shown in the photo,in this skeleton code we have have only cone up to number 4 in the instructions, when it is finished i will be posting the finished this so ceep and eye out.

1. Configuration & Constants

Hive Configuration

HIVE_NODE_URL = "" # Main Hive node
HIVE_BACKUP_NODE_URL = "" # Backup Hive node
BLOG_ACCOUNT = "cutepets" # Your Hive account
POSTING_KEY = (password)

Hive posting key

Telegram Configuration

TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN = (key/password)

Telegram bot token

Logging Setup

import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(name)

Notes for Future Telegram Integration

To send or receive messages from Telegram, you'll use the Bot API.

Refer to the Bot API documentation for details:

Example Telegram bot endpoint:<TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN>/METHOD_NAME

Posting intervals

POSTING_INTERVAL = 3600 # Time in seconds between posts (1 hour)

Content generation constants


2. Imports

import asyncio
import time
import random
from hiveengine import HiveEngine # Assuming there's a library for Hive similar to BitShares
from hiveengine.account import Account
from import Post

3. Logging Setup

import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(name)

4. Global Variables and Configuration

last_post_time = 0

5. Initialization & Connection

def connect_to_hive():
hive = HiveEngine(HIVE_NODE_URL)
hive.wallet.unlock(POSTING_KEY) # This might be different in Hive, check the exact method"Connected to Hive node and wallet unlocked.")
return hive
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to connect to Hive node: {e}")
raise RuntimeError("Unable to connect to Hive node.")

6. Content Management

def generate_content(topic=None):
# Here, you would integrate with an AI model for content generation
# Placeholder for content generation logic
if not topic:
topic = random.choice(["Technology", "Cryptocurrency", "Decentralization", "AI"])

# Example placeholder for AI interaction:
# content = ai_model.generate_text(topic, min_words=MIN_POST_WORDS, max_words=MAX_POST_WORDS)

# For now, using dummy text:
content = f"This is a blog post about {topic}. It should be interesting and informative."
return content

async def post_content(hive, account, content, title=None):
if not title:
title = "Automated Blog Post"

    post = Post(
        tags=["hive", "blogging", "automation"]
    await"Posted: {title}")
except Exception as e:
    logger.error(f"Failed to post content: {e}")

7. Main Blogging Loop

async def blogging_loop(hive, account):
global last_post_time

while True:
    now = time.time()
    if now - last_post_time >= POSTING_INTERVAL:
        content = generate_content()
        await post_content(hive, account, content)
        last_post_time = now
    await asyncio.sleep(60)  # Check every minute

8. Main Execution Function

async def main():
hive = connect_to_hive()
account = Account(BLOG_ACCOUNT, hive_instance=hive)"Connected to Hive account: {BLOG_ACCOUNT}")

    await blogging_loop(hive, account)
except Exception as e:
    logger.error(f"Critical error in main execution: {e}")
    raise e

Run the main function asynchronously

if name == "main":
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Critical error in bot execution: {e}")

This is the set of instructions we have gone thrue so far.

1.Set Up Your Development Environment:
Python: Ensure Python is installed on your computer. You can download it from
IDE: Use a simple IDE like Visual Studio Code or PyCharm (Community Edition is free).

2.Install Necessary Libraries:
Open your command line or terminal.
Run these commands to install the libraries:
pip install hiveengine
pip install asyncio

3.Configure Your Hive Account:
HIVE_NODE_URL: Change this to a reliable Hive node API endpoint.
BLOG_ACCOUNT: Replace with your Hive account name.
POSTING_KEY: Use your Hive posting key. Keep this secure!

4.Understanding the Skeleton:
connect_to_hive(): Connects to the Hive network.
generate_content(): Placeholder for content generation. You'll need to implement this with an AI model.
post_content(): Posts to using the Hive API.
blogging_loop(): Manages the timing and loop for posting.