HELLO STEEMIT! I'm Aidan Klimenko--a professional photographer and filmmaker living in a van and exploring life throughout the Americas for the past 4 years.

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone! My name is Aidan Klimenko and I'm a 28-year-old modern day nomad, image maker and story teller.

I've been living on the road in a 30-year-old VW Vanagon Syncro named 'Otis' for the past four years, exploring the many challenges, rewards and lessons of a life of perpetual motion.


From setting out with three friends on a year long drive down to South America, to an engine failure that kept me and my companions holed up in an Ecuadorian mechanic's shop for five months, to going on and working as a creative for companies like Backpacker Magazine, Subaru, BMW and Adidas and spending nine months camping in and documenting the United States' National Parks, to many, many more breakdowns and subsequent adventures--I've been fortunate enough to witness all sorts of walks of life, and I'm here to share my findings and hopefully motivate others to travel, get outside, and to appreciate all the beauty in the world around us.


Steemit seems like an incredible platform for creatives and creators alike, and I'm so excited to be a part of this new and rapidly growing community.

Follow along as I share my stories, images, and videos of what it's like to sell all your stuff, move into a van, and prioritize experiences over possessions.




Please comment and say hi! I'm new here, I'm eager to connect, and I'm looking forward to contributing.



Great you get to do what you love - awesome pictures! Check out @czechglobalhosts, he does awesome picture challenges where you can win big time! Resteemed you for some publicity! Greets!

Thanks so much! And thanks for the info. I'll definitely check @czechglobalhosts out.

WOW Amazing to meet you...welcome to the community..

Very welcome Aidan

Welcome,. I'm new myself. Amazing intro. I found you through welcoming. I thought I had a decent intro til I read yours. Haha. Awesome job. I look forward to seeing many more future journeys. Good Luck

Ha thanks, that's really nice to say. I love your images.


Welcome to Steemit Aidan! What has been your favorite nation park so far?

Ahhhh such a tough question! It honestly changes day to day. An easy answer is Yosemite--probably one of the most impressive places on this planet. But if I were to choose "lesser known" park, I'd have to say either Death Valley for it's expansive and harsh deserts or The Redwoods, for it's lush and massive trees. All in California... :)

Here's a favorite from the Redwoods:

and a favorite from Death Valley:

Damn! Misty fog in a forest redwoods looks amazing!

Thanks! Yeah, a favorite park for good reason :)

How do you go about traveling in very hot areas like Death Valley?

its not easy. lots of water and being strategic with your time--as in, not hiking in the middle of the day...

Well this is a great start. You will do well here, and I'm looking forward to see more from you.

Thanks! That means a lot. Always a little scary starting off on a new platform and new community! Though, I'm blown away with how responsive the Steemit community is. Really cool. Really excited.

Interesting article!

Checkout @cryptobroye for more bitcoin info and analysis. Im sure there's a lot we can learn from each other!

Welcome to steemit! What a beautiful lifestyle! I look forward to your posts :)

Thanks so much. I'm excited to be here!

Nice to meet you, Aidan aka adventurer! ;) I think what you are doing is just amazing, I would love to join you and Otis for a trip! :)) There is so much going on, we just gotta go for it! Will definitely look into your future posts. Best of luck mate, hope we connect :)

I am into motivation, psychology and healthy lifestyle, in case you would like to visit my channel :) VALUE guaranteed

Thanks so much, man! I'll give your stuff a look!

Wooo its wonderful life style wooo, I admirate, welcome to the comunity i'm new too, I do gameplays and post about my life Its a pleasure, Welcome again have a nice day :'D

Woot Woot! Excited to be here. Thanks for the kind words.

Nice to meet you, @aidan.klimenko! Welcome to Steemit!

Welcome to steemit sir!

Thank you thank you thank you! Feeling very welcomed.

Sounds like you have some great experiences to share. Can’t wait to hear about them. Welcome to the community and happy Steeming!

Thanks, yeah me neither! Pumped on this platform. Thanks for the kind words.

Welcome to steemit! This is a wonderful platform with great people and communities! Don’t forget to check out Steepshot, DTube, DMania, DLive and Zappl all on the steem blockchain. Be active and have fun! Cheers @stwbll

I'll check them all out. Thanks for the warm welcome :)

Your very welcome! I cant say enough good things about all of them. Please enjoy!

Welcome to steemit!!! :) dont forget to just have fun. You can ask anyone here if you have concerns about this platform. People here are friendly and interactive ;) Keep the fire burning and together lets take steem to the moon! :D

Haha deal. Love it. Thanks for the encouragement.

Just followed you to keep track on you future posts :) im looking forward to reading your experiences :)

Welcome !! I'm new here too. You are doing great. Pics are beautiful 😀

Thanks a ton :)

Welcome Aiden! Your photos look amazing. Already pressed the follow buttong because I'm looking forward to seeing more of such content!

Sweet! Thanks! Just made me first installment of the series, check it out on my page :)

Upvoted, Followed and Resteemed. Looking forward to more epic pictures like these!
I have always thought about leaving everything behind for the van life.

Awesome. Thanks for the support, man. I just made my first vanlife post, hopefully it'll help edge you closer into a van ;)

Vanajeros EP1