Geke Venns, Cost Benefit Jr., Galloglass

Hi everyone! My real name is Stephanie and I'm new to Steemit. I run (where I put all my venn diagrams showing the overlap between Democrats and big business) - see below. I do Exposing Progressive Corporatism on Facebook. I'm the author of Cost Benefit Jr., an economics textbook for kids with an Austrian bent. @LibertarianArts on Twitter. And now I'm writing a novel called Galloglass, a critical and poetic look at massively centralized medieval England and a somewhat decentralized medieval Ireland. (Chapter 1 is located here.) Can't wait to get to know everybody here!


Also, I didn't knowingly upvote my own post here - is that done automatically? Or did I accidentally manage to vote for myself? (It won't let me remove it.)

Welcome daoine-sidhe! Nice to have you aboard:) Actually there is a checkbox for "upvote post"underneath the tags box on the right-hand side. You can either check to upvote, or not. It's totally up to you! Hope this helps-

(The self-upvote is turned on by default. I took that as an indicator that it was an acceptable norm here and have been leaving it on)

Hey @daoine-sidhe, good to see you here too!

Thanks! Nice to see a familiar face, so to speak. I was just telling someone else that I'm really feeling at home on this platform. There is less contention here because it's set up more like a market, complete with prices (consequences) for your actions (unlike Facebook). When consequences matter to you, you behave better, and I see that site-wide here. Which, of course, has got my brain turning. :)