Five points of getting it right within 3 months.
What is your DESIRE.
Action. For every action, there is a reaction. How old are u? Why don't u use 1year to turn things around for your life? Without action, no reaction. The difference between where u are and where u want to be is action.
Goal. Anyway without a goal is goalless. You must set a goal. Goal gives u direction. So take action towards a tangible direction. Goal makes u increase your commitment.
Think faster. As a man thinket in his heart, so is he. Wherever your thinking stops, that's where u stop. Think beyond your boundaries. Increase the speed of your thinking. Think like a millionaire. No more no less. You are directly proportional to your thinking. Change your thinking. Even in the world, if you want to be the best, you must be fast.
Mind your business and mean business.
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