Siapakah Aku? (Introducemyself yang Tertunda) - Bilingual

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

(Coffee-tree and me)

Apakabar steemian sejagad? Perkenalkan, namaku Diyus, petani dan pengolah kopi di Dataran Tinggi Gayo, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Aceh - Indonesia.

Sesungguhnya janggal dan aneh memberikan perkenalan diri kepada steemian sekalian, sebab kadang aku merasa tak mengenal diri sendiri. Aku yang sering bertanya, "Siapakah aku?" saat bangun dari tidur pagi, atau saat bangun terlambat akibat kenikmatan-begadang nan sungguh menggoda. Namun, biarkanlah aku mencoba mengenal diriku dari refleksi yang kutemukan dalam interaksi kita di masa depan melalui cerita, citra dan nuansa.

Ganjil sungguh membuat postingan 'Introduceyourself' sesudah 3 artikel. Harap maklumi fakta tersebut sebagai hasil dari ketergesaan dan ketidaktahuan. Mari berinteraksi dan saling mengisi kekosongan di jagad virtual. Sungguh aku membuka diri terhadap caci-maki, hujat dan serapah untuk menilai setiap tulisan yang kumuntahkan dari peristiwa dan renungan. Mari mengarungi alur kegilaan menuju arus kesadaran.

Who Am I? (A Delayed Introducemyself-post)

How are you all steemian of the Universe? Let me introduce myself, my name is Diyus, I'm coffee farmer and coffee processor who live in Gayo Highland, Aceh Tengah District, Aceh Province - Indonesia.

It is truly awkward and weird to introduce myself to you all steemian, because I mostly thick that I really don't know about myself exactly. I also oft toask "Who am I?" when I woke up in the morning or wake up late (because stay up all night long is so temptating). However, let me try to understand myself through the reflection that I'll try to find out in our interaction by means of image, story and shade in the near future.

It is also odd to make an 'Introduceyourself'-post after wrote three story. I hope you all compliant to be advised my carelessness as the aftermath of my unconsciousness and haste. Let's share to fill out our interaction in this virtual universe. I really open myself to accept your scorn, blasphemy and curse in order to judge my story that I spit out from events and contemplation. Let's wade through the flow of madness into the stream of consciousness.

Sincerely Yours,



welcome to the Lapak bg Diyus (kata sambutan yang tertunda)...


Welcome to Steem. Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
Also get to know more about Steem reading the Steem Blue Paper and share your feedback on our Steem Blue Paper Awareness Initiative
All the Best!!!

Nice info, thank you...

Cofee Gayo is delicious...Welcome to steemit

Thank you for step by on my post, @hendria... Keep catching vista to share the beauty.

ini kawan saya saleum jroh Diyus

Bang @acehindiephoto adalah guruku...
Saleum Jroh, Bang...

Akhirnya jadi juga perkenalan diri nya bg, heheh
Selamat bergabung di steemit bg @sangdiyus

Iya. Susah kali karena lensa kamera di HP-ku udah buram. Tadi minta tolong tetangga. Hahahahahaha...

Sampe sebegitu usaha nya ya bg, hahahah

Macam mana lagi mau awak bikin? Tetanggaku, Idolaku...

Welcome to Steem. Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
Also get to know more about Steem reading the Steem Blue Paper and share your feedback on our Steem Blue Paper Awareness Initiative
All the Best!!!

Nice to meet u here on steemit

Go go go Diyus Sank Sastra

Thank you so much, Brotha...

welcome to the jungle Sang!

Ko Diyus ya...

ahaa.... welcome blo....