
If it's my first day and I'm introducing myself to the community why isn't a intro post. It's not like I'm promoting something else I'm still in Introductory phase. I just started a couple hours ago so yes it is an introductory post

Okay, but the accepted purpose is to actually introduce who you are, usually with some proof, e.g. a picture. I'm just offering advice, but you may find some people just flag. Steemit is generally a friendly place, but it can be like the wild west sometimes. Have fun

This guy has been looking into tag abuse

thanks for the advice

This kind of reaction drives me batty! I can see you are trying to be helpful, unlike some I have seen, but when you just are starting out on this platform you do not know about someone else's view of which tag is appropriate. And when you first start how in the heck do you know you have to have a picture and prove you exists. Silly crap invented to mess with new people.

You know because people like me tell you nicely

Yes yours was better than some. I had someone get on my case over silly crap when I first started and I hammered back as sarcastically as I could...No I go out my way to offer assistance to new people when i can see they do not understand. Besides, so what if tags are wrong they will get less views, and I was on this platform for sometime before I realized I had to prove I was a real person on planet earth. Who in the heck came up with some of this. I thought I left censorship behind when I reduced my time on Facebook.

Have to ask the question how many people have been driven away because of how they were treated on their first post? Or is that someones plan...