My name is Emeka Victor, @vectour. I am an upcoming app programmer and this is my first post on Steemit

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemites, My name is Emeka Victor. I am an upcoming app programmer .I heard about Steemit from my brother and have found it be an amazing community full of people with great ideas and interest.

I hope to share my interest and ideas and also have an insightful time learning from others.My hobbies are
Watching football,
and watching documentaries and tech shows.

Hoping to have a great time.


Wellcome to family :)

Welcome to

Welcome to steemit Emeka!
What kind of apps are you about to be programming? Too bad, your picture is mirrored. But that's just a minor flaw.

I wish you the best of luck, and keep on programming!

Thank you @benkne . Just got into programming mobile apps for android devices.