Introducing vote2ico

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit!,
Glad to be here, I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I am vote2ico and I am here to share knowledge about up and coming ICO's. Its nice to meet all of you! There are currently 11 ICO's who have expressed intrest in our services!

Join us on telegram at vote2icoTalk:

Vote2ico is brought to you in part by @neoxian and

vote2ico aims to disrupt the initial hurdles to the ICO process, such as raising the first $1,000 required to advertise your ICO. By utilizing the existing Steem reward protocol, we can mix advertising, education, and crowd funding like never before. The Steemit platform has no ads. Companies acquire steem power to boost the value and visibility of their posts.

vote2ico’s Steem account will post announcement posts of up and coming ICOs This will not constitute investment advice, nor is this account acting as a financial advisor. Instead, this Steem account acts as a technical overview and educational resource for each ICO.

Steem users simply type “Add 0xMyEtH3R3UmWa1l3t” as a comment on any of vote2ico’s posts, and their wallet would then be paired to their Steem handle. The public Etherium address can be added retroactively to acquire tokens from past upvotes.

We reccomend for the etherium wallet address as it is the easiest wallet to use tokens with, You CANNOT use your bittrex, coinbase, ect. wallets, you must controll the PRIVATE KEY!
When a Steem user with a paired public etherium address upvotes one of vote2ico’s posts, the user will receive tokens being advertised in proportion to the SBD value of their upvote after payout. Example: An upvote payout worth $1 (about 35% of which would be SBD) would be $0.35 of tokens. So, if a token were $0.05, then that person would receive 7 tokens in compensation for her or his upvote.

Users upvoting vote2ico’s posts that have a public Etherium address paired would receive an additional amount of vote2ico tokens proportional to the Steem Power payout of their specific vote. This will act as the token generation event.

vote2ico will also be using many various upvote selling services to increase visibility, the SBD/STEEM reward proportional to their upvote will be used for future promotions and no tokens will be awarded. vote2ico will also start powering down from day 1, the Steem from this will be spent on upvote selling services and renting delegated Steem power to boost visibility.

ICO operators can burn 1000 vote2ico tokens per post to be advertised with vote2ico. They will be required to transfer +0.001% of the total available token supply to the operators of vote2ico to be distributed as rewards for upvotes. ICO operators receive the SBD from a portion of the earnings. All tokens unsold will be returned to the ICO operator.

Vote2ico also has a pool of 5 million tokens to be awarded to steemit influencers and or voters with over 50,000 SP who help promote vote2ico. To inquire about receiving these bounties contact us at [email protected]

5% of all tokens received will be held by vote2ico token, all tokens sold from this lot of tokens will be used to buy vote2ico tokens on etherDelta.

1 billion tokens.
Fixed supply.
18 decimals.

Token Generation Event:

5 million tokens - Advertising Bountys (steemit influencers)
75 million tokens - Core Team
10 million token - Listed at 0.01 on etherDelta(in 1-2 weeks)
10 million tokens - Listed at 0.02 on etherDelta(in1-2 weeks)
900 million tokens - Created through upvotes capped at 900 million.


There are 4 pages

I just want to inform you about my thought about all thing:

I do not want to flag any of your post. I do not want to start a war. I am open to discussion, maybe I didn't understand something or maybe there is a solution for that.

Thank you for making this video on your thoughts. I didn't really think about the negative aspect this can/will have on the Steemit reward pool. I put my address on here before watching you video. I am removing my eth address and definitely not taking part in this. I want Steemit to grow and the wealth to spread among all users not a handful of whales. It seems the community just keeps putting all their Steem and sbd's into the whales wallets thinking it's benefiting them. Thank you for opening my eyes on this. I strongly disagree with the vote2ico project.


vote2ico aims to disrupt the initial hurdles to the ICO process, such as raising the first $1,000 required to advertise your ICO.

How is having to raise 1000$ to advertise an ICO not a reasonable barrier of entry to taking people moneys / issuing securities?

I believe 99% of ICOs are either scam or garbage and don't want to artificially give them attention on Steem in exchange of future promise of monetary value.

Why wouldn't ICOs just buy votes to get onto Steemit trending page?

Given the vote buying situation, I have no doubt they'll find some greedy whale's willing to help them promote anything to the community for a quick buck.

I was beginning to write something along these lines... but you said it best... this is a terrible idea, and a net negative for Steem... I sincerely hope people don't back this idea...

Add 0x899913a4e2c7ff7b7dcf8f9b04e4f6247f54244f

Add 0x082cA3356B718aE7174916486115Bd1521e393D3

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  • This comment was considered SPAM and flagged by @miti
  • This is THE FIRST WARNING, be aware you're hurting your reputation!
  • CLICK HERE for flagging criteria and INFO.
  • I also suggest you to read Steemit etiquette

I'm not a BOT and my aim is to clear posts by spammers.

This is not a good way to advertise your services.

Write a damn post that describes your services, then make use of resteeming services to get the word out, also paying vote bots to vote you up. Also, maybe actually being social and making friends, who can help vote and resteem you, and picking up followers the natural way.

Spamming a bunch of bullshit that's totally off topic isn't going to work. And if you are not smart enough to figure that out, never in a million years would consider using your service.

and the community grows even more diverse

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Would be possible for you to bring your spam somewhere else, I'm sick of seeing this crap!!!!!!

So many people are excited for this. I was at first glance as well. There are so many details missing I'm not sure anybody understands what's actually going on or cares? Everyone just posted ETH addresses and left because free tokens are free tokens. I thought this was a great idea at first as well and posted my ETH address and then removed it shortly after. These types of things are going to kill Steemit guys. We have to stop shoving our entire reward pool into the hands of whales. Once the entire Steemit stake is held by 1% things will be really familiar won't they?

If a couple of shit coins are worth more to you then the Steemit platform then proceed. I however think we should start developing projects that will better the entire platform instead.

Edit: (I'm upvoting my own comment to get exposure I feel it needs to be seen. Hopefully nobody has a problem with that. I usually don't upvote my own comments)

I am not sure, whether I understand:

So you are going to sell ICO tokens for votes?

Can you clarify something for me? Normally vote curation value different based on when you vote, and how many other people vote, and how big the reward pool is, as I understand. The poster and the voter get their proportional rewards based on this. Does this system take away the normal curation reward to voter to pay for the token, or is it using the post reward to buy the tokens for all voters, or both? Where does the steem go?

Add 0x5dF3DDF1e570Af21A0F30B675e62615A933aF9A5

Awesome info. In any case, it will be interesting to see development of your project.
I hope this ICO is social-centred and not money centred.

Are you familiar with CureCoin?

I invested in bitcoin and then found out about curecoin. Now I'm studied information about him)

Add 0xDe8C7164C77Bf96ACf80Ae0534600107A84b12c6

Add 0x3706f390aa701Ff11eB33d1460dbf5b6473535dE

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  • This comment was considered SPAM and flagged by @miti
  • This is THE FIRST WARNING, be aware you're hurting your reputation!
  • CLICK HERE for flagging criteria and INFO.
  • I also suggest you to read Steemit etiquette

I'm not a BOT and my aim is to clear posts by spammers.

Very nice ICO, i thinking to join maybe.

This post has received a 1.64 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @themoneyteam

@boomerang distributes 100% of the SBD and up to 80% of the Curation Rewards to STEEM POWER Delegators. If you want to bid for votes or want to delegate SP please read the @boomerang whitepaper.

Add 0x826F51B323e83F2e2799055b7E39b1661a056059

Add 0x695b0C3EcaFD5c054F01d2fd20AAfEDfCfCe8c94

you control the private key to this address correct?

Add 0x9b894811c38d4159ae14764e8920ea073f110bdc


add 0x8A685eC409f7f04646355226dc460b9C986E54fb

Agregar 0xMyEtH3R3UmWa1l3t

beep boop wallet paired!

This sounds awesome. I can't wait to get involved.

add me 0x041fDf2A34DE57d858033d0e4621198a2674D1a4

add 0xfA97C568CDB0C88d2e7da768209ABb7d1353a454

add 0x57f1fdf5A70A81275D1569fB4E69DFdD55DB5737

Add 0xd0abf42b959701d54dca196053b85ca0723e055b

Add 0x5424eaf6776C1161b8a7a340515928E77A71B261

Add 0x963904eaBB87e5a7B8CC6e29F9F38E3518e6E07D

Add 0x9C21C94985f01fe4D025cFeB56d0C85745F7a20a

Add 0x4a31efc81b9707a6d44c9090d34275d5ff13d8bf

Add 0x44AC276342350E0F8C671C3A82eeBCc32275d13a

add 0x16FBf93C843cF68357FcF7D9Bf848f0743D07108

Add 0x631CeeABa62eE3161e4b116E4e42B98eBD296f2C

add 0x17F51E2eF6B208b5609c2fc0bf994f5dCe1e98AD

I have detail reading it. this is really amazing information. I really hope, and may soon contribute. hopefully this will be a miracle for me small fish. i like your projeck.

Add 0x814736bbA40906F3d21919CD42fCCc4720604dB2

add 0x22A7362275c25e216FE9253a1a9C796E1241226C

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Add 0xA04BdFef1E9Db9bBeE33b6B8F6EA3e59162C7A62

Phenomenal idea can't wait to see where this goes and how many ICO's this helps gain awareness and funding for marketing.

Very interesting and potentially disruptive idea. Well-deserving of its high reward.

I need to grab myself a fresh addy to toss in here for later.

This was just brought to my attention. Nice idea, you've got my support. Following for future updates. Commenting as a place holder to put (an) address when I've access to it.

Congratulations @vote2ico!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 4 with $ 157,38

Welcome to steemit @vote2ico. Join #minnowsupportproject for more help. Type in the comments of a post @OriginalWorks and it will help you verify that content is original.
Transfer SBD to @treeplanter to plant trees and get an get an upvote in exchange of your donation (Min 0.01 SDB)
Upvote this comment to keep helping more new steemians
Transfer SBD to @tuanis in exchange of an upvote and support this project

The @OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by @vote2ico to be original material and upvoted(1.5%) it!

To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!

Good job! Thanks to @raserrano you have planted 0.05 tree to save Abongphen Highland Forest in Cameroon. Help me to plant 1,000,000 trees and share my Steem Power to the others. Selfvoting is prohibited, but that should be the reason to spread the world to protect our precious environment. Check out profile of our conservation association @kedjom-keku and the founder/coordinator @martin.mikes to get more information about our conservation program. My current SP is 14358.44. Help me to plant more trees with your delegated SP.

Thanks a lot,
your @treeplanter


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