Hi, fellow Australian. I found you through @welcomewagon where @dreemsteem has kindly featured my post as well. I follow you because I agree that people should know more about the hidden dangers in manmade products, and the natural ways of living better and healthier lives. I'm looking forward to reading your future posts. Myself, I'm still figuring out what to best write about. There are many topics I feel like sharing some thoughts but not sure if it's best to concentrate on one area or if it's good to write on several different things. I guess it will show on the success of individual posts which ones appeal to people more than others. I have no doubt that your topic will appeal to lots of people!
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Well this is exactly what the @welcomewagon is about! Making connections and growing together!!! :)
The comment section of interesting posts is a FANTASTIC way to get to know like-minded individuals! hehehee
Nice job @ydraz ;)
Thanks ydraz, good to see I am among some like-minded people :)