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RE: Post Number Two (or the dragon diving deeper)

in #introducing3 years ago

Hi @ormembar Welcome on the Hive Blockchain!!

I like the way you write... sure at first it's not simple here to get some exposure, but you are doing good... indeed Here is another follower :)
Keep creating quality content, interact with other users, make some friends....that's how you can get exposure.
I suggest you to publish your posts on communities to get more visibility, and yeah like you said...the tags are also important, but not so much right now.

I wish you a great experience here!!
Have a good day, and a !PIZZA


Thank you very much for your following and for the insight :) You're definitely one of the "elders" here, so I pay special attention to your words and re-follow you. As to the !PIZZA I'm going to figure it out! :) Maybe it's worth munchin' Stay safe and healthy!

@ormembar, sorry! You need more $PIZZA to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA liquid, and 0.0 PIZZA staked.

More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

You are welcome again :)
PIZZA is a second layer token, it can be bought, sold and transferred to any hive user.
You can check your balance here on peakd:

To buy,sell,transfer you can use: