Christmas : It is the birth of lord Jesus. He was born about thousand years ago, about three thousand miles away in an obscure village called Bethlehem. He was born is the least likely place any human being will like to be born - in a cattle shed. It happened because no one was willing to give shelter to marry, his mother, when it was time for her to give birth to her baby. Jesus died very young - when he was just thirty three years old. That is the age when we, ordinary mortals, start our own families and ream pf a bright an secure future.
Usually we remember people who has achieved something in life. When we come across someone whose great achievements we admire, we find out the date of his/her birth and take care to note the date of his/ her death. The birth and death have any significance only because of the life of the individual.
Jesus is different. It is his birth and death that give meaning to his life. Jesus is the Son of God. His birth foretold thousands of years before he was born by God's messengers Known as prophets. Prophet Micah had predicted that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. And many prophets has spoken about the future suffering and death of Jesus. This is particularly clear in prophet Isaiah.
God bless you! Good job