At the start of this year’s Ramadan I expressed the hope that the death toll of this year’s Ramadan would be less than those of previous years. I cited Ramadan 2024’s death toll of over 800 as a benchmark and hoped that it would be less than that.
Sadly I was incorrect and my hope was misplaced. It’s looking like this year’s Ramadan will be an absolute humdinger of religiously inspired violence. According to the RReligion of Peace site this year’s Ramadan has clocked up 1343 deaths from 134 separate attacks.
There is nothing like this level of violence occurring in other religions in the modern world. We don’t see Jews or Christians go wildly violent at Passover or Easter respectively but we do see too many Muslims go violent at Ramadan. Many of the targets for this violence are non-Muslims but we should not forget that Ramadan violence also afflicts those Muslims who are seen as ‘not Muslim enough’ or the ‘wrong’ sort of Muslim by other Muslims. Everyone suffers from the effects of Ramadan violence.
Ramadan is not yet over and there are approximately ten days left of this period to go. If Islam and its more violent followers have managed to clock up 1343 deaths already from multiple terror attacks, then I dread to think what the final death toll will be when this festival ends.