Kanye West Designs "Blexit" Apparel Urging Black People To Leave Democratic Party

in #kanyewest6 years ago

Kanye West is one of President Trump's biggest supporters. The question is how will this affect the Democrats in the mid-term elections?

West is out promoting the idea of black people leaving the Democratic Party and, instead, voting Republican. He even made t-shirts espousing this idea.

His "Blexit" shirts support the President who saw his popularity among blacks jump from 19% to 36% as unemployment dropped to 50 year lows.

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Kanye must be such a massive pain in the butt for the Democrats.

Beastly experience, friend.

Exactly what we need, more celebrities in politics. America is a TV show.

Things are getting very interesting!
Hope economic collapse is postponed to next year!

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Bonjour les américain : )

Trump is not doing good for the interest of the world because of his war with china and hypocrisy about turning a blind eye on Saudi regarding the Kashoggi murder. @ze0hedge and West will just be nonsense with his efforts.

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