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RE: Will Keto Be Vindicated With Update To Official Health Guidelines?

in #keto5 years ago

Hi @alexander.alexis, great tip about steemSTEM. I came across that tag and couldn't find a description for it. Glad to have more context for it. I'll check it out again. Fair warning: I intend to challenge any healthy lifestyle articles that don't cite scientific journals.

We are still talking about the optimal diet. It just isn't a finite list of foods to eat or macro proportions to meet. The science of optimal nutrition does not exist in the way that most people think. The myth of a reductionistic optimal nutrition is perpetuated by people selling "expertise" in the form of a diet plan. Nutrition is not able to be reduced to one right plan, or even the "right plan for me." (See the information on the food4life study toward the end of the article linked below)

The reason for that is the hardest physiological science of nutrition is one of deficiencies, excesses, and allergies. All the nutrients in the foods we combine have interactive qualities (agonistic, antagonistic, synergistic, emergent). Capturing the comprehensive science of combinations of so many nutrients in various proportions along with all our bodies' sizes, ages, food tolerances, and eating routines makes anything other than general recommendations next to impossible -- not to say the pursuit isn't worthwhile, only much bigger than we can truly comprehend.

Add to that the fact that a diet plan or anything anyone tells one to follow isn't as sustainable as a habit change that person identifes for themselves. Even then, the change won't typically stick unless the person connects it to what's most important to them and find the right strategy to incorporate it into a plethora of other routines.

As written in a Center for Responsible Nutrition conference round table report: "The scientific focus of nutrition had [previously] narrowed with a reductionist approach and subsequently (now) expanded to be more holistic. It is now recognized that the study of nutrition involves more than the biology of nutrients, but encompasses the integration of other scientific disciplines, including social, political and environmental sciences." Therefore, optimal nutrition science has evolved into a bio-, psycho-, social, environmental, economic, political pursuit. For some more bedtime reading (!po=8.49802).

I know this has blown well out of proportion for the original post. I am considering writing my own articles, but I'm still figuring out Steemit, so sticking to comments for now. I'll attempt be more succinct in future comments!


That was an elloquent and clear response that could easily be turned into a post! I do hope you write them and educate us about nutrition. A steemSTEMer who sometimes writes about nutrition/health is @chappertron.

steemSTEM has its own site (though in beta phase) that runs on steem (just like steemit) at, so you can check out articles there.

I read your other linked article with interest and will read this one as well!

Great. Just followed @chappertron and will check out Thanks, I had meant to request some suggestions for people to follow, so perfect response!