
I cant wait for an Uniswap-style thing.

Wow not sure how I forgot that. That's KoinDX - it's coming soon to main net but you can test it on testnet now.

yeah, pretty cool free transactions make it worth it for micro-transaction pools. Will be big.

And sure also for larger volumes :D

Currently KOIN is only listed at MEXC. Is it planned to list it on larger exchanges? I guess that would increase liquidity.
What is KoinDX? Which pairs will be offered?

It's currently only listed at MEXC yes. Due to the nature of exchange listings, teams have to sign NDA's that don't allow them to discuss these listings prior to them happening. We simply won't know until they go live. Uphold (and some of their staff) have mentioned Koin quite a bit on twitter so that one in particular seems likely. It's only 3 months old, so it'll probably be awhile before you see things like Binance listings (in my opinion - could be wrong). KoinDX is like uniswap so any tokens that are on Koinos could be traded there as any pair. The software for a bridge is being tested on the testnet at the moment so we can assume once that goes live we'll start to see wrapped tokens from ETH on Koinos and also wrapped Koin on ETH. This also would give more trading pairs that could be available on KoinDX.

Many thanks for your swift and detailed responses. This is an really outstanding.

Sure no problem. I guess it's time for me to be more active on Hive again. It's honestly pretty cool that years later here I am using something that I helped build (Steem/Hive) to talk about Koinos.

Some other good resources to connect with the Koin community are their telegram and discord