Two bulls lived on a homestead, furrowing fields. One day the rancher purchased a chicken and took care of it with the best rice. The more youthful bull said to the senior, "We both buckle down and carry flourishing to the rancher, yet he takes care of us just grass however this chicken sits idle and gets taken care of with the best food." The senior bull answered, "It isn't great to begrudge anybody. The nourishment for the chicken is the food of death. Before long, a function will be held in the rancher's home and this chicken will be important for the gala. That is the reason it's being spoiled." upon the arrival of the function, the rancher cooked the chicken and took care of it to his visitors. The senior bull said to the more youthful bull, "This is the aftereffect of taking care of rich food. Our helpless grass is multiple times better compared to the best rice. Our food carries no damage to us except for rather guarantees a more extended life."
What we Learn here: With regards to contributing, moment delight is over-appraised and deferred satisfaction is under-evaluated. We will generally see the value in momentary increases and are unconcerned with long haul gains. As of late there were two major Initial public offering postings. One made a 96% addition on the Initial public offering cost on day 1 while the second made a deficiency of 27% on the Initial public offering cost
This is a great parable. The lesson learned is priceless. Also with the concern of food, is wonderful I speak as an American, we have a lot of food and most of it is seriously bad for us.
We I need to listen to the Senior Bull and eat the food I am designed to eat :-)
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