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RE: LeoThread 2022-09-17 14:52

People promoting their own content over here? I think it's unnecessary, let's use #web2 platforms to do that and adding CTAs to promote #web3 #hive benefits, and catch attention on the crypto community on Twitter for example.


I like that they share content on #threads. I've read some stuff I wouldn't have otherwise. If they want to share it on Twitter too then that's fine. Threads is SUPPOSED to be used like Twitter. That means sharing links to blogs.

That's a good point, I don't have seen it like that.

How about sharing the content we're creating to promote #hive Dapps on Twitter?

So amazing tweet and video, I will RT it, and yes Asere!, we need to do it more!

Cool! Thanks my man!

I'm going to be making more clips like this to promote our Dapps. I think I'll add subtitles for when people are scrolling. I think it gets more engagement.

You look like a rockstar man! Keep doing that, I will try to do some in Spanish.

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