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RE: LeoThread 2023-01-05 13:44

in #leothreadslast year


A quick Threadstorm to detail what the next phases of the serial story #huntingmidnight will entail. I just finished posting the end of Episode 3 earlier this week!

There have been 63 parts posted over 3 episodes since Nov 24 2022.



You can see the more fullsome roadmap of this process here:

Episode 4 will start releasing episodes on #scholarandscribe within the next week or so 🙂



The next step is to draw winners for the existing weekly contest, then come up with a special "in between episodes" contest. Last time I did a review and readlist drive (readlist = users who get pings whenever a story part comes out).


Also, artwork for the next Episode needs to be made. I'll do cover pictures for Hive posts and design an NFT Bookmark template. The Bookmarks are free Polygon NFTs that use "Web 2.5" techniques to spread the word 👉


Episode 4 is the first episode that has not gotten a full edit polish (I had released Ep 1–3 on Amazon prior). I probably will do this as I publish on Hive vs/ taking time to get it all done at once. It's been edited, just not deeply!


That's the main thrust of what I need to do. I also want to think of more ways to tease the stories outside of Hive, so as to draw new Readers to our platform. But that can happen as I publish Episode 4.


Oh, and the next few episode names are as follows:

  1. 💠 All Squares are Diamonds

  2. 👑 An Alliance of Queens

  3. 🦞 The Lobster Manifesto

  4. 🏛️ Summit of the Manyrealms