For those who have a lot of grass in the yard, do not be destroyed first, this grass also has many benefits.
Teki is a pseudo grass chick, grass shaped triangular and sharp. The leaves are 4-10 pieces collected at the base of the stem and roots with leaf-covered leaves. Leaf-shaped ribbons crossed parallel. The upper surface is shiny green.
Grass grows wild in the open or slightly protected from sunlight such as in vacant lot, grass, roadside or on farmland. Growing up as a weed that is hard to eradicate.
The benefits to overcome chest pain, toothache, digestive disorders, such as nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and abdominal pain, diarrhea, swelling due to fluid retention, irregular menstruation, pain during menstruation, vaginal discharge.
For its use I still do not understand, because for the drug should not use carelessly, my article is just for information only, that grass teki have various benefits for treatment.