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RE: Sleep paralysis-What is it & Experiences

in #life7 years ago

I actually had this happen to me many times and recently even more. The more I practice my meditation the more it keeps happening. If you don't know what astral projection is, look into it. It will explain so much about this phenomena. You simply can't move because you are not in your body. You are in energy form and that is why you can't move. This does not have to be a bad experience if you know what is happening to you. But, most time people panic like I did as well, but the more you know the less you fear. Most fears come from not understanding. :)

Here is one good article about it. The more you meditate, the more you can control it. :)


I never heard of astral projection, I would like to know and so thanks for the link! I would definitely search more about it because I really like all of this things! When I decided to make a post about this phenomena, I was thinking how people will think that I am crazy and a good liar lol! I am surprised how many people actually know about it. 😃

It is a common term for people who like to meditate. I meditate 1 hour every morning and it has changed my life in so many ways for the better. :)

I think your friends are projecting monster images because they are afraid and don't know what is happening. So their brain is projecting something they would be afraid of. But, if they relax and just think more positively when it happens the projections can be a very pleasant experience. :)

I am glad I could help. Astral projections are a big topic and I am only really finding out about them in detail. And, I know how you friends feel exactly. :)

Proteklih godinu dana sam i ja razmišljala o tome da počnem sebi olakšavati život i nađem način za opuštanje :) Nikad nisam pokušala meditirati, nekako uvijek mislim da to ne bi znala odraditi kako treba. Zapravo ne znam odperjat misli 😅

Prijateljica je to iskusila par puta, s tim da kaže da iako u tom trenutku shvaća da to nije realno i da je to nešto što se učestalo ponavlja, ne može se opustiti i smirit. Inače je osjetljiva i nervozna osoba pa joj se valjda sve to reflektira kroz san.

Ja sam isto rekla da sve leži u blaženoj pozitivi, al treba vremena za doć do toga 😊

Meditacija iskreno treba vremena i strpljenja. Jer kad tek pocinjes misli ti lete na 200 strana i nije se lako koncentrirati ali ako si malo uporan postaje sve lakse i lakse i ti postajes sve smireniji-a i mirnija. I misli i emocije polako dolaze u kontrolu iza toga i puno laske kontroliras svoj zivot.

Ja imam ucitelja koji me vodi kroz specificnu vrstu meditacije kroz raznovrsno disanje i mantru. I meni je zivot promjenilo. Ali potrebna je disciplina i redovno vjezbanje. Ja sada svaki dan ujutro meditiram od 40 do 60 min. Ali radi cudo doslovno u mom zivotu. I vec mi je dopusteno uciti druge ljude prve korake. Tako ako ikad stvarno budes imala zanimaciju za to pokazem ti kako se radi. :)