Has Humanity Always Been Mean Spirited? - Ancient Rome Is Giving Us a Clue

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Insulting and making fun of others is certainly not nice by any means...


Ironically, making fun of others and even "hate speech" has seemingly become the norm over the past years. Or, has it always been with us? Historians are now saying that Ancient Roman political debates"were comparable to examples of hate speech on the internet" nowadays. This includes personal attacks and extreme harshness according to the Phys.org article.

According to the historian's findings concerning ancient Rome, withstanding and overcoming insults can ultimately have a politically stabilising effect. The slander in the Roman Republic (509-27 BC) went quite far: 'The famous speaker and politician Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC), for instance, when he defended his supporter Sestius, did not shrink from publicly accusing the enemy Clodius of incest with brothers and sisters,' says Prof. Jehne—a sexual practice that was also illegal in Rome. 'Clodius, in turn, accused Cicero of acting like a king when holding the position of consul. A serious accusation, since royalty in the Roman Republic was frowned upon.' Thus, as the historian emphasises, there were hardly any limits in the political dispute. This differs from today, where intensive thought is given to the limits of what is permitted in debates on the street or on the web. 'The Romans didn't seem to care much. There was the crime of iniuria, of injustice—but hardly any such charges.'


The article stated that historians also said that the Romans were quite "proud of their biting, ruthless wit at the expense of others." Of course, the Roman culture has been in a league of its own for many reasons, but has humanity always had a mean spirit to them? We see people being belittled and persecuted for their beliefs, sexual orientation, and even for their heritage among other things. This is nothing new and most likely has happened for longer than we can realize. How sad is that? We were commanded to love God and each other. Let us not forget that because the path to destruction is wide! It doesn't cost anything to be kind to others, and in fact, it may just help someone when they needed it most.

Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.

Be well!

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Meanness isn't going away any time soon. No one teaches their child to be mean... they figure it out on their own.

It's unfortunate. We all go through a phase I suppose, I just hope more people can see that love is the answer, not hate and division.

People are mean as I have experienced it myself.

We all experience it at some points in our lives. If more people chose to make a conscious decision to try to love and be kind more, I think this whole world would change for the better.

Yes that is why I do not feel like I belong to this world, I just long for a place that there will be just kindness and no evil.

It's sad how much we fail to love. Even off the internet hate speech continues and hate, anger, jealousy, and pride grow and fuel wicked deeds from humans. We can only hope love will prevail in the end.

That's cause everyone has a stick up their bum bum! Time to repent for all that!

It is unfortunate but it will not be part of the New Kingdom