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RE: The Most Important Job You Need to Do

in #life6 years ago

Powerful post. The thing is (at least in the western world) we have it better now than any other time in history. The world is relatively peaceful now compared to different points in history . And our medicine, communication, and transportation has is more advanced than ever before. In other words people are more empowered than ever before to do something with their lives.
The issue in my opinion is this notion of 'keeping up with the joneses'. Looking back on my experiences when I was finishing high school the norm in my community was go on to university and do your undergrad. The idea of a victory lap in high school or taking some time off was out of the question. So many friends of mine ended up going to university not with a goal in mind but because it was the respectable decision. And this issue of living your life to earn respect from others rather than doing what makes you happy is one of the biggest problems which people face today.
Hopefully if more people read posts like yours and manage to take a step back from the "daily grind" and think about the important things in life, such as what their goals are and what they really want to do then they will find genuine happiness.


@Benjamin852, well said my dear chap :) ... you are so correct that most tend 2 make decisions to please others for fear of disappointing them rather than pursuing what is meaningful.

This fear is normal which can be traced to how the human brain is wired; to belong to the tribe one must do as the tribe does. This is a lower brain or what I call 'reptilian brain' function - that is, our basic needs for food, shelter, love, sex and belonging drives most of our decisions, and that's why many will follow the herd.

From my readings, 3% will be rule breakers and do what makes their heart sing or soul fly!! To forge a new path of resistance one has 2 possess COURAGE and be willing to hear -'ve comments from others while still having the guts to BELIEVE in themselves enough to dance their own drums


@chbartist well inked and all points noted. Love, "The journey of becoming the best that you can be, the path that leads you to attracting the right kind of people to your side, real friendships, healthy relationships ......" CLARITY is key and your post reminds me of Shakespeare's famous quote:

"And to thine own self, be true."