
I like it. ill follow along. up voted to start. pleasure to meet you ,

Hi John, thank you! Pleasure to meet you as well

I had heard about the neuro growth by changing your thoughts and actions and it always really resonated with me, even if I'm not quite smart enough to understand and appreciate it 100% ha. But I absolutely love the idea of writing down a goal or reason for changing a behavior, I actually did that when I quit smoking, put the paper in my wallet, and quit cold turkey. I actually still have the paper in there almost 3 1/2 years later! And as far as the whole change your mind set change your life, I've always been a huge proponent of that. Its a great way to live!

Hehhe good job for quitting smoking for so long!! That's awesome! I think what will be challenging with sugar is that it comes in so many forms... When quitting cigarettes, you know what you're avoiding, right, its this single object. Sugar is everywhere. I hope it'll go well... I'm positive! I've got the mindset for it Heheh

You're right about that. Trying to avoid sugar in America is almost an exercise in futility lol its in literally everything. Are you considering also growing your own food?

Yes!! I grow food on my patio every summer, I really enjoy it. It can be rough at times though, last year I struggled with pest heheh. It's a learning process!

Oh, also another part of that vicious cycle is when you're "fueling" your body with all those sugary processed foods it just compounds that tired drained feeling that keeps people curled up on the couch feeling depressed and watching netflix. Its terrible.

Hmm very true! Therefore, I hope that after a while of not eating sugar, it'll become easier to keep not eating it. Feed the good cycle instead of the bad one..

Yes, its like learning to play a very hard song. It doesn't get easier, you just get better at playing it. I hope that translates into cutting out sugar

Hehehe how deep... I like it.