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RE: CHESS and Game of Life

in #life5 years ago

How weird is it that I even asked you about the game?! Man, that’s trippy. I love it when things work out the way they’re supposed to. This response is probably going to be a long one—get comfortable.

Excellent article! I went though the comments, too, some obviously less practiced players voiced their opinion.

Pawn Sacrifice—I haven’t thought about that one for awhile! When he was upstairs and was in the bathtub and dad was “it’s your move, hurry up!” And Bobby called down his move, dad said “but you don’t even know what I did.” Bobby was able to tell his dad the move he just did. I almost get the chills just reciting that part. .....still trips me out I even asked you if you play the game.

That quote about “you may learn more from a game you lost.” I’d go even further to say nothing is ever perfect, ever, you’re only getting better at making mistakes with each move you make. @dandays.

About beating the pawns. How true. I like to give my opponent something to chase, it keeps them distracted. More than half of the people I’ve ever played target my Queen when it’s a tipped King that wins or loses the game.

I’d like to add—never let your opponent win. Doesn’t matter if you’re teaching your wife, a student, a classroom full of kindergarteners, chess is a battle of the minds. Put a child against a professional football player and agility, size, strength, etc is irrelevant on a chess board. What is relevant is concept, attention to detail and thought process. I think allowing your opponent to win as a lesson in teaching is a mistake. Victories aren’t just earned—losses are also earned. PS—thanks for giving me a reason to get so detailed with a response.

That “tactics” and “strategy” one. Call me any descriptive adjective you want, whatever, that’s a tombstone print if you ask me—period. They could print that on my headstone and that sums it up.

That sums up this response, too, @bluemist. Thank you for showing me this article. I really enjoyed this read, it’s the only action I’ve had on Steemit for a few days now and it’s all I need for a few more.


I totally agree with you. This games is about achieving perfection. You will continuously learn from your mistakes because am sure you know that all it takes only one mistake to cost your King when both opponents are strong.

I like the concept of giving your opponent a feeling that he/she is winning but you have to control the end result.

Thank you so much for your kind remarks and it feels so good that someone shares my thought process.