
Yep! That was one of the main projects I was touching on here. :)

The current test cycle takes a week to test powerdowns and a whole fucking MONTH to change the recovery account. The code is about 90% there if I strip out the futures for V1.0.0.

If I get some free time this weekend from this medical coding shit I'll start another test cycle.

Probably going to have to restrict access to the site on launch to those who are witness voting me out of necessity as my witness server isn't even paying for itself at the moment but other than that she is still a go.

Ok, hope all goes well! Keep me posted with any positive updates..take it easy and have a good weekend.

You as well captain!

What ever happened to the bolt up plates for AR's?

For the record I've no idea of those lowers will blow apart or not.. I also assume you're gonna do legal things with it / register it like a good citizen. :)

Always good to know useful things is all.

I knew that witness vote would pay off someday..

Much appreciated captain!

Yep! That was one of the main projects I was touching on here. :)

Hey!... and what about your H.A.T.E.D community?

¿Are we gonna start getting juicy and big succulent upvotes from posting there or not?

Man, I honestly am still a ludite when it comes to all these new communities and shit.

With the way things are going up here in Canada and the world we need H.A.T.E.D more than ever. I have an interesting idea for it but that is a ways out.. HIVE already has inbuilt secured messaging, I think if we did a few more security measures the chain could be used for incredibly difficult to crack communications.

That would be awesome.