In today’s world, most of the people are so busy in their lives that they rarely think about their health, especially mental health. Like other organs in a body, the most important part of our body is Brain which controls every function of the body. Sometimes people forget many things and may think of stress or lack of time as the reason but the reason is of brain drain and it is unavoidable. Sometimes the brain confuse us in many ways and some are as follows:
Taking shortcuts: Sometimes your brain is lazy. When trying to solve a problem, your mind takes a decision on the practice rather than on theory which has worked in the past. The brain uses shortcuts for taking a decision quickly and does not try to check other phases of that problem. By this sometimes a person is unable to discover or learn something for themselves (Heuristic) and thus lead to making mistakes.
Playing the Blame Game: whenever something bad happens to us, the only way we find is to blame someone and it is natural. We try to hide our own mistakes and blame on other things and twist the reality of mistake to protect our own self-esteem by doing this. We are hiding from responsibilities.
Your Memory Isn’t As Sharp As You May Think: Memory is not like a supercomputer which preserves events exactly as they occur. Memory is indefinite and impacts to influence with time. Not all information is retained in memory, we tend to forget some amount of information after some time and later it vanishes.
False memories: False memories are easy to develop in the brain. In a test, some list of words related to the food (meal, diet, eat) gave to people but didn’t actually include the word “food” itself. Later, when asked the participants to recall, they mistakenly remembered the word “food” as often as they did words that were actually on the list. By this, the brain is developing a false memory which results in wrong work.
Believe on Horoscopes: Barnum effect (Forer effect) which was named after the psychologist who discovered it. It is a common Psychological phenomenon whereby individuals give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically to them but are, in fact, vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people. These statements are basically how horoscopes manage to sound scarily accurate for lots of people.
Repetition of songs in your mind: An earworm is when a song’s catchy verse gets stuck in our heads and the brain seeks complete patterns, so if we can only partially recall a song, it loops in our heads. Victoria Williamson, a music psychologist said that anything from repeated exposure to a song to having a person, situation, or feeling trigger the memory of a song can cause it to get lodged firmly in your head.
Feeling others pain (empathy): Sometimes people feel the pain of others by just knowing about their pain. This is due to ‘Mirror Neurons’ in the brain which can cause us to feel pain when we see others injured. This reflects a tendency to desire similarity with our peers.
Word loses meaning by repetition: Occurs when a word loses its meaning after being repeated several times. Overstimulation of the brain prevents it from locating the meaning associated with the word.
Change Blindness: The ability of our visual system to detect the changes happening in our surroundings gets low. In studies, people have failed to notice the person they are speaking to replace during a conversation.

Why does this happen?
Researchers believe that we have a fear of failure and to hide it our attributional biases function in such a way to protect our self-esteem. By this way, if something bad happens to you then you blame to other things by just saying that it is out of control and on another side, if something good happens to you then you give whole credit to yourself by showing that u have skills and efforts.

Williamson and her colleagues found that some people had found a specific song that could cure their earworm without itself getting stuck in their mind but on another side, some people try to get rid of it by listening to the full song or listening to something else.

From above points, we came to know that our brain also gets tired like other parts of the body and may lead to a lot of confusion between the reality and the imagination. So don’t you think that our brain also needs attention and care? To keep our brain healthy and away from many problems the basic thing which we all can do is to meditate by just closing our eyes and taking a deep breath for at least 15 to 30 minutes daily. We can also try to avoid negativity around us and fill our life with positivity. Always see the brighter side of the situation as you may never know what good the destiny is bringing for you! So stay happy and stay healthy as your brain also need some happiness to function well.