Who Is Your Guardian Angel?

in #life7 years ago


It was 5 years ago today my wife and I lost one of the dearest people in our life, my wife's sister. To this day I will never forget the anguish I seen in my wife's eyes when I gazed into them that morning at 9 am as the tears streamed down her bronze cheeks.

I could feel the pain, despair and "why her" oozing from my wife. My wife's sister lived and grew up in the Philippines extremely poor and had a rough life to put it lightly. So why her, at only 28 years old with 2 young kids only age 2 and 5 at the time.

It is that question that both her and I would try to grapple for a very long time. Why did she deserve to leave so soon, why do her children have to grow up without their mom, and soon after a father who would walk out on them to remarry another young women leaving his kids behind.

As time has went by, my wife and I have found ways to turn such a sad reality into as many positives as we could. Each year we have found a way to honor her in one way or another. We also try to help and support both her growing children as much as we can (matter of fact any payout on this post will directly go to both Pia & GiGi - her children ) which can be very trying at times as we have children of our own and we live in the US most of the time.

Last year we decorated her burial ground with tiles, flowers and a wonderful plague in her honor. With each thing we do we always feel her presence as if she is our Guardian Angel helping us along to also help her children. It is a feeling explainable unless you too have experienced it before.

This year I decided to surprise my wife and I created a design that we could use in her honor as a picture to hang on the wall, on a couch pillow or on a t-shirt or just about anything to be honest. I surprised my wife with this design back in April.

Since than my wife has worn a t-shirt with this design on it every week, and every week she gets asked where she got it and where they could get one as well along with a real stories of others who too have lost loved ones and are just looking for simple ways to heal.


So why am I writing this for you all to read right now? Because sharing this story is part of my own healing process. I want anyone else out there going through loss to know that they are never alone.

Your Guardian Angel is always there with you and has your back!

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The design is available HERE if anyone is interested.


I believe in angels..

So do we, the hard part is we had to experience such loss to find the belief

what better person to teach you about angels

I've followed, as I promised in your verification post.
Losing family or friends is always difficult to adjust to - but what of when you are losing an entire nation of compatriots? What of when you look back in time and see what a glorious past they have had, inspiring all of Mankind, and now, for reasons I still cannot understand, I am forced to face the fact that it is likely my country, my homeland, will effectively die even before I do.
Thousands of years of history wiped out because of people who hate themselves so much they had to destroy an entire planet. I almost wish I had not lived long enough to learn of what is happening (I'm 74).
The worst of it? I had not realised how much I love my country until I learnt that I am watching its death throes. It is weird how it is not necessary to love any individuals of a culture to love what they represent.

I'm sorry, but your sadness touched me and it overcame my usual reserve; I prefer to lick my wounds on my own, but this time the loss is just so huge!