My first resolution 2018 : Stop negative thinking! 1/2

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Dear steemians,

The New Year is slowly approaching, it's time for me to retrospect and evaluate my life choices.
New Year's resolutions are the perfect opportunity for everyone to start making the changes we want in our lives.

Today I share with you my first resolution of 2018:

Stop negative thinking!

Say NO to negativity when it happens in my life. Obviously, it is not easy but it is not impossible and I will do my best!

I want to be happier in 2018 and for that, have to learn from my past mistakes.
Life is difficult nowadays. You have to fight to be happy and not let yourself be invaded by the negativity of other people!

The opinion of others does not matter! Especially when it's negative! That's right, what do we need to move forward in life?

We all need love, positive feedback, encouragement, just and authentic advice!

The important thing is to surround yourself with the right people. Those who want us well and brings us all these positive things.

We do not need more negativity than the world already offers (through the media, for example). I stopped watching the news on television because these are only terrible and negative images of the world. I prefer to read the information and make my own idea. That being polluted by all these horrible images! This is a choice I made and I feel much better.For my entourage, it's the same thing.
That it is your friends, your family, your friend, your colleagues ...

Choose to be with good people!

The people who criticize you only refer you to the reflection they have of themselves.
It's up to you not to pay attention and interest!
It is you who control your own thoughts. The criticisms of others are only negative thoughts, which are useless.

You need to enrich yourself intellectually and not to impoverish yourself with futile things. When you get rich intellectually, you are able to give others positively. When you get overwhelmed by negativity, you send back negativity and it's a vicious circle. In addition to making you unhappy, it requires a lot of energy. It's energy that you do not put in beautiful and useful things.

With love...


Optimism is the key!

I love it.
It is easier said than done, but by practicing it day by day we can all change and this is one of my first things on the list too, since I believe life will be happier if we look for the good things in life instead of all the negative things most people are including me.
Day by day, step by step and it will change your life. It doesn't mean it will be easy and we will not mess up once in a while, but as long as we don't quit we can do anything.

Totally agree! Let's be good and strong! Thank you for this kind comment ;)
Greetings from Barcelona

Wow. You live in Barcelona.
My son's dream is to go to Barcelona to play football for Barcelona team so maybe one day we will be able to go to Barcelona.

Me encanta... Así mismo es @flamingirl rodearse siempre de buenas personas, atrae siempre las buenas energía y buenas vibras. La felicidad llama a la felicidad

Exactamente! Nos vemos muy pronto querida @marula!!! ;)

I can't agree more with what you said: "When you get rich intellectually, you are able to give others positively. When you get overwhelmed by negativity, you send back negativity and it's a vicious circle."
Great post!

Thank you for this kind comment! I only hope that there are not too many language errors in my article because I am not native English speaker ... ^^
You have won a new follower!

Gran post 👏👏👏 siempre positiva 😊 @flamingirl

Muchas gracias! Te siguo ;)

This is quite a healthy move for 2018, its no doubt that we all have struggles but its always best to keep a positive energy at all times

Yes it's a simple thing but sometimes we forget it;)

This was the most impacting line for me was this -"We do not need more negativity than the world already offers " - the negativity in the world presently is enough for it, we as persons should avoid adding more rather make the world a better place for us all and the generation coming after us.
Great post.Cheers!

I am so happy to read your kind comment! it's nice to know that there are people who take the time to read me ... :) I will continue in this way ... Thank you and happy holidays!

Very helpful advice for making life happy. Thank you very much

Thanks for commenting ;)!

Thinking positive is not that hard. İf you want to be happy, you must help or smile somebody. Take it easy.

I think the difficulty is different for everyone, depending on their experience. It's my opinion... ;)

@Flamingirl I am happy that the new mentality you are adopting is working for you and .....
pleeeeeaseeeee tell me how you managed to place the photos next to text. I am new here and I am starting to learn and I love how you structure your blog.

Also I recently have written an article that somewhat debates what you have said and I would LOVE it if we can start a discussion in the comments about how this goes with what you mentioned above regarding avoiding negativity, if you dont mind checking it out here it is.

Thanks for this post, another goal for 2018, to be more positive and infect other people by the smile :) :) have a nice day! and regards from beutiful Poland :)

In these cases it is best to have the principle that consciousness itself is curative. When we can spot and focus on the moment when a negative thought appears, and that's when our healing process begins. Congratulations for such a great resolution, and thank you for sharing it with us.

Thank you for this nice comment! ... I will continue in this way...

Have a great 2018!

thinking about new year resolution is good but not important but it is more good and important when you do the resolution

Ok but to do it, you have to think it first;)!

Great your post. as you said before, we must put aside negative thoughts and people that don't bring us positive things and try as possible to work in our dream to make them come true. Being positive and optimistic is a good beginning to start over new this 2018.

I am so happy to read your kind comment! it's nice to know that there are people who take the time to read me ... :) I will continue in this way ... Thank you and happy holidays!

I am not a naturally positive person and have to work on staying positive. Have learned that it is much better for me personally and those around me to keep a positive outlook.
Thanks for your post.


The positive attracts the positive! ;)

Personally, the problem isnt about making good resolutions, but sticking with them. I just hope my 2018 wont be like any other.

You are the only one who can change things! Power and courage! ;)

Theres hope for a better tomorrow

Nice post! Resolution is easy to make but difficult to observed. Are ready to keep your resolurion? Thanks for sharing. I follow and upvote you.

I will do my best as always;) Thanks for commenting!

Wow! This gave me hope for the new year and the world and is a great reminder that success is in everyone's reach. All people deal with their own troubles in this world, but through understanding psychology, we can learn to thrive in spite of our issues, some wise words based on what I have learned from my psychology teacher. I liked the pictures also!

Thank you for this kind comment! I am happy to have positive feedback !!! it motivates me to write more and more! I agree with you, this platform is stimulating and positive! Let's stay in this way!
Cheers ;)

Thank you for reminding us of what is truly important. Surround yourself with positive people and those that wish you well as best you can. That helps us to be all we can be and with enough overflowing to share with others.

Thank you for this kind comment! I am happy to have positive feedback !!! it motivates me to write more and more! I agree with you, this platform is stimulating and positive! Let's stay in this way!
Cheers ;)

That is the best girl, take off all negative thoughts even if they want to come in try and blank them out. Hang around postive minded people and happy people it will help. To be successful you have to be happy and think positive, lovely first choice on your list of resolutions for 2018. I guess I have to start compiling my own list, happy new year in advance @flamingirl

I am so happy to read your kind comment! it's nice to know that there are people who take the time to read me ... :) I will continue in this way ...
Positive attracts the positive! ;)
Thank you and happy holidays!

Thank‘s for sharing , and hope you achieve what you want

Thanks for commenting ;)!

Totally correct. What better place to be than visiting with you steemit friends? I am new to this, at it for about ten days, I am very impressed with the level of positive thinking that placed forward in so many of these posts. I hear so little complaining on here, so much of the content is driven to what we hope to happen, rather avoidance and worry. When among so many good people driven to help new strangers to a given field, that is what makes the world go round. You are right, positive attitude is paramount to all worthwhile achievement.

Thank you for this kind comment! I am happy to have positive feedback !!! it motivates me to write more and more! I agree with you, this platform is stimulating and positive! Let's stay in this way!
Cheers ;)

One may take this how ever one likes, but your body is made with positive, negative, and neutral. You need negative to exist as you would not know what happiness is without sadness.

Negative is a scientific word that has to do with states, not good are bad. Language is the original brainwashing tool well before tell you a vision. I know this may be hard to hear. This no negativity and all being positive is a psychological manipulation of our minds. You will always need both. It is the only way the Spirit exist...

I really hope you do not take what one is saying as bad, because the truth is never bad it is what is necessary for change.

I totally understand what you are saying. Thank you for commenting. And to answer you, I will say that you are right. But it's not about removing negativity totally, it's impossible. However, make more positive choices and increase positivity is possible and better for mental health I think;)

I can agree with that to a point. A balanced mind and knowing what good and bad are for is the only way to truly be happy or positive. Being positive all the space, though is just as bad as being negative all of the space one is in. Because doing so means one has to deny feelings to stay in this level of positive one speaks of, and also if one is not honest with ones self.

You can use this form of thinking very negatively as anyone ones may choose to not like what the other is saying can be chopped up to something negative even if it is something ones need to hear...

I don't know if you already meditate but if you don't I can only recommend it to be able to learn how to control your thoughts!

I have been trying for a few months but I am not very constant. I will try to do it more! it will be another resolution! Thank you for this reminder ;)

My only resolution for 2018 is to become the better version of myself... Good luck with your's and I hope you achieve what you want to in your life.... :))

Thanks! Very good resolution my steemit friend!

Lots of useful tips I can use from your insightful post. Have a great 2018!

Thank you so much! ;)

Mine is to stop negative thinking towards crypto,,,,,cheers

Let's bring positivity and good vibes for the new year and all negativity behind :)

Yay, I'm finding all sorts of positive content on Steemit like I used to see on Facebook. It's much easier here to curate the content you see instead of an algorithm deciding for you. Thanks for being a high vibe content creator!

Awesome post with a great message.
Positive thinking is so important.
It affects your mood and your whole appearance.
Other will fell your positivity and want rather to spend time with you as when you always think negative.

Yesterday I published a post about how important thinking is.
Negative thinking can make us sick while positive thinking can make us healthy.
Many people underestimate the power of thinking .

Have a look at my post If you're interested.
Your opinion would interest me! :)

Dear @flamingirl, that's amazing post ....., I think 2018 make our world peacefull and peoples happy 😊

ok so here is a technique i use, i call it the BS FILTER or BS FIREWALL for short. i treat life a lot of the times like a FIREWALL, i have filters in place that i'm constantly adjusting to restrict, filter, traffic shape the impact those bits of negativity, arrogance, anxiety or pressue they might cause me if they hit my CORE -- over time i just improve the firewall rules ;)

so live life like you have a real life FIREWALL and you'll be good! :)

Life is short. Don't waste it with negative people who don't appreciate you. Keep them in your heart but keep them out of your life. "Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive, it will take their breath away."

Great post there, keep up good work !

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This is a great resolution! So sick and tired of media only writing about those resolutions that affects the way we look; eat less of this and more of that, work out more like this and that ... instead of focusing more on what really matters: how we are feeling inside out - not the other way around. I believe that's the only way we can become really happy. Go you :)

Really, the issue of being positive cannot be over emphasized. more positive people would definitely make the world a better place. i'm gonna adopt this as my first resolution for 2018 as well because change starts with me. i'm starting NOW.

I generally agree with everything you're saying, but healthy criticism is course-correction. As an example: if someone is attempting to trample all over my boundaries (whether or not it is unbeknownst to them) it would be better for me to speak up and point it out to them so they can correct themselves for future interactions. They could drive off many potential friends, colleagues, a spouse, etc. if they aren't aware of what they're doing.

Back to your point though: there is way too much negativity within society. I have to refrain (it's painful!) from writing an essay about the nature of humanity and pain's self-evident omnipresence in this post. Anyway, I applaud you for taking a step in the most sane direction, and I admire the fact that you will do this despite it appearing as insanity to others.

There's a big difference between skepticism and cynicism. It is difficult to avoid falling into pits of cynicism if you're the skeptical type like me, and because of that I wish you luck with your resolution! You seem like the type who has a strong community -- use that to your advantage. It's the best way to keep yourself on course!

Awesome post! Being happy and and positive is definitely something I need to work on. It's seems like it's such a simple thing to do but it's not. Therefore I will definitely need distance myself from negative energy and try to create more positive energy! Thanks for the post flamingirl :)