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RE: James Roguski Provides Critical Information

in #life2 months ago

Dear @valued-customer !

I have a hard time understanding your excellent English articles, but I guess they are committing a deliberate crime to reduce the human population!

I'm worried about whether I can survive!


"I'm worried about whether I can survive!"

That's only because you're smart. If you were dumb you wouldn't worry at all. It is because I worry about my family, friends, and good people of the world that I pay attention to these events. I am already old, and I will not survive the coming catastrophic wars and democidal attacks on humanity. Even if I do, I'm old, and I'm not likely to start raising kids again, LOL. If I were planning on that, I'd matter, but since I'm not, I don't.

In the long run, my friend, none of us gets out of here alive. What matters is what we do, how we live while we live. We're not going to live forever. Since we have a limited time available to live, we should live well, according to sound principles we have chosen to exemplify because we have found them to be admirable, even beyond reproach. I try to do this as a feeble old man, and the good people I live with here seem to admire the same sound principles I do, and to be happy I live by them.

That's pretty much my goal, so I'm living as I want to be presently. I hope you are finding your life rewarding according to the sound principles I know we agree are admirable, even beyond reproach. All I know about E. Asia is what the lying enemedia tell me, which I don't trust, and some eyewitness reports from friends I had that told me some things, but only a very little. I'd like to know more about the interesting events ongoing there right now, so I can better understand things that are happening in other places, and here too, because all these interesting things are interconnected, often affected by the same groups of people.

Anyway, none of us are going to survive more than a few decades more, so what is important isn't our long term survivel, but the quality of the few short years we have to live through these interesting times. I am confident that what matters to me isn't how long I survive, but how well I live while I survive. By living well I don't mean living in luxury, but mean living by sound principles in the face of belligerent enemies that have no principles. I think the people that judge my actions will care about that more than how cozy I was in my comfy bed at night. I think my sons will care more about that too. I know I will care more about how well I held to my sound principles if I look back on my life and judge it for myself.

I think these same things are true for all of us, and you too.

James Roguski is a tireless and implacably forthright and honest researcher and reporter. His latest published report is based on more research and work than I have the ability to read. What I have read of it is compelling, and I find I agree with his judgments because I agree with the sound principles he stands firmly on. From that above linked report, James Roguski also agrees with you that Pfizer and the corrupt US bureaucracies are lying, committing fraud, and crimes against humanity. While people are being harmed and killed, I still think those are merely side effects of what they are actually doing, which is testing medical devices on people without their permission or understanding. They certainly do want to kill a lot of people like you and me, but these mRNA devices aren't very good bioweapons in that sense. I think they're researching bioweapons and other mechanisms that alter people, and the deaths that are occurring aren't the purpose of these criminal acts, but merely a side effect of testing.

I think there are much better bioweapons they will use when depopulation is their actual main purpose. Then very few people will survive them, rather than the majority as are today.


Dear @valued-customer !
I am currently 50 years old and only 10 years younger than you! Moses said that humans usually live to be 80 years old. You still have 20 years left to live at least!

So, I hope to see you in America!😄

Perhaps we will meet when we conquer Jerusalem. Next year in Jerusalem!