Dear @valued-customer !
Joseph, who lives in Oregon, is a fervent Trump supporter and I'm surprised you're against it!😯
No. But more importantly, I don't think he has any intention of solving them. He calls himself 'the father of the jabs', so I don't think he wants to stop them. He wants to do more of them. He is part of the Zionist NWO taking over the world, and they are testing medical devices on us because they want that information and they don't care if we live or die. In fact, they intend to kill us if we live through the tests.
Many East Asians, including myself, believe that the lower class white people in America elected Trump as president because they couldn't stand economic poverty!
East Asians expect Trump to steal money from around the world and distribute it to Americans.
In particular, I thought Trump would make white workers in America believe that they were superior to people of color like me.
I hope you don't get offended by my awkward English!
Thank you!