Financial Freedom

in #life7 years ago

For many years our parents have repeated exactly the same thing that their parents repeated.

Go to school, get good grades and you will get a good university and a well paid job, you will work for the government and you will get great benefits.

What would happen if we were educated to be our own bosses?

The work to any entity or state is essential and vital to acquire capital and make an investment, you can also invest in your education and learn more about the market. Studying either a career, or taking a course would be a good investment, what I recommend would be finance, accounting and administration, knowing how to handle money could be very useful for the future.

Currently many people are happy with the profession they have but they do not take advantage and do not know how to manage the money, they spend more than necessary. Many people work to enrich a company and its owner by earning a salary and paying certain fees to be able to benefit from a pension after reaching a certain age and get paid a percentage of what was paid.

Would you like to be your own boss?
I would recommend that you make an investment in finance and accounting courses where you can develop more with the money and so you can make it work for you and not you, many people become so obsessed with money and luxuries that they barely have to buy a house or a vehicle they buy it and I think they waste the money, we all know that a house is the main thing that a person would want to have or a vehicle to not have to walk every day or get rid of the countless transportation problems.

Would not you like to invest that money and multiply or triple it?
If you sacrifice your dream for a moment and invest that capital either in real estate, stocks or in a local I assure you that later you will be very pleased to have done so because if you generate profits you can become rich intelligently, do not do what the Common people seek to innovate, study the market, you must know the needs of the population and it will bring benefits to you and your company.

If you make the difference, it will be very good for you, but if you are as common as other people, you will end up in failure waiting for a weekend to drink or simply earning a salary.
I particularly think that the more people undertake, there would be no unemployment and each would contribute a granite to improve our country and so you could also enjoy more with your family, letting money work for you and not being a slave to it.

A tip for any part of the world and each of the people who read this post, in the market is good to buy when it is low and sell when it is high often have to know how to play smart with money and find offers in several parts and choose the one of its convenience but that if it educated a little more in the sales and in the handling of the money.

I hope you like this post, happy afternoon and sorry they had not posted a greeting for everyone.