Death in the family: A health or spiritual cause?

in #life7 years ago
There are times in life that when things happen and you start to question if the event was through the machinations of nature or there are things that influenced these occurrence.


It was on the 10th of December 2016 that I got one of the worse news I have heard in my life: the demise of my father. I felt the world had gone mad and the whole news was nothing but a mere joke.
It never really dawned on me until I stood over his corpse and after he was lowered down the mother earth and my very hands threw in the first sand as the reverend father uttered the words: dust to dust.
I relived the moment every blessed day that period until it was the only occupation of my thoughts. However, they say time heals all wounds but truth is, it doesn't take away the scars.
They have the tendency of coming back ashore when things similar coexist again. And in my case, it has been a floodgate of concurrent happenings.


This summer will be my 4th year in college and truth is, I have had my fair share of the news of deaths intermittently.
Surprisingly, or rather more shocking is the fact that since my first year in the university till this very moment, there have been close to 30 mortality rate of students' parents in a class of less than 170 students.
Most recently is news that in the space of two days in this month, there have been announcement of more deaths of two students' parents. Quite demoralizing.
I spoke with a good friend of mine and exclaimed my dismay about these mortality rates. I am quite scared I said. Something is definitely wrong, that which I feel transcend the physical and is being triggered by the spiritual.


These events has necessitated us students of different religions and beliefs come together in one accord to appeal whatever deity that they believe in, all in the bid to see that this is does not occur again, yet it continued with acute consistency.
That not withstanding, these students always want to show solidarity and support to those who have suffered from a loss. The convention is to dress in all black and storm the burial scenes in form of a cult group and liven the whole place.


During the advent of my Dad's demise, someone accosted to me to say that he might have had an inkling why these things happened. We had a long talk and in the cause of the discussion he highlighted something that was hinged upon superstition
He said that in his ancient home town that it is often only those that are close to the person who passed on that are meant to wear all black to the funeral service. Even more keenly he said, that the restrictions should be just the wife and the children.
However, this has not been the case in my class scenario. He said that since we all come together in unity to show love and affection for the bereaved, a bond created in the spirit realm. Now when this welt is formed, the circle of death revolves round those who share the same joy and sadness.


At that point, I would believe anything to make sure these deaths stopped. So I decided to inform the whole class that if they were to be present in my father's funeral, they should come with any other attire than all black.
However, this was not to be so. Against my instructions and judgment everybody came there with their black attire. Almost if they derived pleasure from it.
Three weeks later, someone else lost the father, and in a week after that, another happened, and another till it became almost routine to see the time table announcement accompanied by the news of death of someones' parent; fathers more often.


At one point it sparked up a serious debate in our class room. And someone made a suggestion that the reason for all these is the fact that the medical facilities in the country are of low quality. This argument was premised upon the fact that all the death news announced in the class is hinged upon various sickness that have taken these parents, mine was not an exception.
But the question I posed to the author of this argument was that, how come it happened to be that our class out of the many other classes in the whole university is the sufferant of these bad news? The probability is just too high to be a concurrent happening in one class but it still does happen and looks like it has no intention of stopping soon.

I am writing this in serious trepidation, uncertainty and fear. Something is really wrong, whether health wise and spiritual wise, things are not going well.
The death plague could come back to visit a victim the second time. This is indeed where my worries is premised upon.
What do you guys think could be the problem? Health or Spiritual?




@camzy made this lovely toons for me.

Image source: Pixabay

Death is natural and also caused by human factors.

So, it's both health and spiritual

Sure, there are arguments on both sides, but when it comes to the untimely one, which is the cause?

How do u know it comes untimely

You sure do know when the person had not reached the average life span which humans are meant to live.

Hmmmmm. This is what Yoruba people call o so sick ni lenu, o bu iyo si

lol. I sure do not understand yoruba, it would have been nice if you translated it. Thanks for the read.

Death is one of the thing human could not say clearly how and when it comes. Sometime ago I thought people are dying much but recently, I came to understand that the number of new babies that are born daily is higher.
Sorry for your loss.

Oh, I never knew about the babies. It is indeed a sad thing. Thanks for your concern.

@Gunneresq doing what he knows how to do best.
I really enjoyed this post.

Thanks @idunique for the constant present on my blog. I appreciate the read.

Hello @gunneresq

I relived the moment every blessed day that period until it was the only occupation of my thoughts. However, they say time heals all wounds but truth is, it doesn't take away the scars.

You are very right in that nothing can erase the memories of our dear ones. However, there is life here after death. Focus on that life. Accept my condolences.


Thanks @eurogee, i guess i have seen the better sides of life after that event. Thanks for the read and concern.

As for i believe death is natural. We humans are only the cause of our death if one dies prematurely,take for example hooliganism,cultism and so on.