Hello steemians!
good morning many people, including me, are interested in the question, is it worthwhile to drink coffee?
I want to find the answer to it.
There are opinions that the coffee has a very strong effect on blood pressure, it is very dangerous to the heart, and it is better to limit yourself from drinking this drink.

This opinion is incorrect, and drinking coffee is not only necessary, but also useful!
What is the use of coffee?
Coffee has many useful properties. First, it costs us with energy and increasing the activity of the organism. In addition, if you drink Your coffee, then it is easier to bear, all the stressful situations and risk getting you depressed, will be minimal.
Another important plus coffee is the prevention of the risk of cancer. If someone drinking at least two cups of coffee a day, then it is less at risk of kidney cancer, and anal. Especially the coffee good for men.
The drink is encouraging more active movement of spermatozoa, and also improve the function of reproduction. Coffee, it also has great benefits for women. If a woman wants to lose weight, then the coffee will be a very good stimulant for him. Coffee helps the food to be absorbed better, and so are often used to construct the digestion in the body. Thanks to the ease of coffee, it is very useful to have a drink after a meal.

In addition, this drink helps to railings of many different diseases. This includes diseases such as asthma, cholelithiasis, cirrhosis, heart attack, hypertension, migraine, atherosclerosis, Hiperkolesterolemia, and many others.

Coffee is also used for medical purposes and diseases of the nervous system. Perfect coffee helps with intoxication with narcotic substances and Poisons of any kind. Learn about the properties are useful and amazing coffee, I conclude that the benefits of a large coffee, and to include this drink in your diet you need, no doubt!
I think the topic will be much more intriguing if you include some studies which proved that coffee is beneficial to our health. If not, the benefits will remain theoretical.