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RE: Maryland Winery Uses Their Dog For Curbside Deliveries

in #life4 years ago

Howdy sir beelzebubba! Thanks for contacting me. My wife took an axe to my online social media experiment, sighting that after 2 years and nothing to show for it after working on it was time to quit.

So I've got 2 years worth of work and projects around the property to get done. I do try and get on every few days to keep in contact with people but I'm forced to agree with her that I was basically wasting my time. It sure was fun while it lasted though! I hope everything is good in redneck country!


i suppose that reason you provided is about as good as they come. I wish you the best brother.

Howdy sir beelzebubba! Thank you and I wish you the same. I'll stop by and visit your blog from time to time.

well if the time comes that you start posting again let me know. Pity to see you go as it was one of my favorite blogs on here but real life has to come first. To be honest, if I wasn't so restricted about the on site work that we are allowed to do I would be here a lot less as well.

Howdy today sir beelzebubba and thanks so much for the kind words! What do you mean by being so restricted about the on site work? You talking about your neighborhood or community regulations?



Maybe you could tell her you are researching crypto investments?

lol..howdy sir frot! Good to see you and thanks for stopping by and checking on me! She isn't exactly a fan of cryptos so I don't think that excuse would work. lol.

How are things in NZ? Are the lockdowns and social distancing over with? How's the supplement business?

The imaginary virus went away the day the "government" said it did - all masks disappeared that day and yesterday I was jammed into a bus packed like sardines - nobody gives a toss this week.

We have been fairly busy, and we got our first order from a second wave prepper yesterday - if the race riots in America don't do the job, I imagine second wave is plan B...

Howdy again sir frot! I'm glad to hear that business is good and the virus is magically gone. lol.
I don't think there will be a second wave here but I reckon that won't stop them from acting like there is a second one!

No - well there was never a first one, but I'm sure they can fake it again!