The meaning of life is a philosophical question about the purpose and meaning of life, or of existence more generally. This concept can be expressed through a variety of questions, such as Why are we here? o What is life ?. It has been the subject of a great philosophical, scientific, psychological, theological, and even literary study throughout history. This question has received a large number of responses from different points of view, along with the cultural and ideological origins of each civilization.
The meaning of life is deeply mixed with the philosophical and religious conceptions of existence, consciousness and happiness, and affects many other issues such as symbolic meaning, ontology, courage, purpose, ethics, good and the evil, the free will, the conceptions of God, the existence of God, the soul and the beyond. Also from Humanism and literature are extensive contributions and reflections on these issues, but leaving aside the religious vision of them.
Humanity has always asked us for years where we come from without a clear answer, we have many doubts about our purpose here on earth, which is the origin of us as a person, are many questions and few answers ...
Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for something or someone?
First, why or by whom would you be willing to suffer? That is, those people, things or ideals for which you would not mind sacrificing yourself.
And that does not mean to die (because we are looking for the meaning of life), but to leave everything, to really fight, regardless of the consequences. They can be your children, your family, your religion or your ideologies.
How do you see the future?
The second question you can answer to make sense of life refers to how you imagine yourself in a few years. Thinking about the future is an excellent way to realize that it is worth being alive. In addition, we tend to be so immersed in our current problems that we do not realize that the future is waiting for us.
Remember that the habits you have today are the ones that will decide your tomorrow. Make every effort and ask yourself what will become of you in five years. Are you working in the same place? Will your family be bigger? Where will you live? Will you have fulfilled your dreams?
Are you able to leave your comfort zone?
Third, it's good to analyze what you would do if you did not feel afraid. That feeling that paralyzes us and does not allow us to advance is what also takes us away from finding meaning in life.
Being a long time in the so-called "comfort zone" (where we are not comfortable but do not do anything to get out of it) can show our fear. Many people do not become what they would have wanted because they fear taking the big leap. Imagine that nothing bad can happen to you, then, what would you do?
Are you afraid of failure?
From the hand of the previous question comes the fourth question: What would you do if you had the confidence not to fail? Many people do not dare to innovate or to undertake because they consider that they will fail in their task. This may be because of fear, but also because of the prejudices we have as a society.
Do you know your potential?
Did you know that the reason for living can also be the point where your passion and what the world needs join? From this premise is that the fifth question arises: Do you know what your greatest talents are?
It is not necessary to be a doctor or go to a village thousands of kilometers away, you can do something for your neighborhood or your community. From planting a tree to cleaning the parks on weekends. If you like to sing, make the children of a hospital happy; If dancing is your thing, organize a show for the elderly of a geriatric.
What makes you feel satisfied?
Precisely in relation to the above, you should ask yourself what job you would do over and over again without getting tired, even if you did not receive a pay.
This question, we clarify, refers to the activities that you love doing and that you would not mind not earning a salary when doing them. For example, help in a children's dining room. Maybe you do not do it every day, but once a week. But if you still feel satisfied, it's not a job.
If it fills you with pride and "completes" you, it means that you are good at this task. Maybe it's time to stop doing extra hours in the office to earn extra money and start enjoying the good things that life has, like a child's smile or a "thank you" with a big hug.
Start living if you want to know and make sense of life! And all these questions will have their answer
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