I believe that every single one of us is called to greatness, yes YOU ARE TOO! That every experience that we have is apart of the journey of arriving at our very own full expression of greatness.
You can chose fear and comfort in your life or you can step forward and use the resources and opportunities you have in your life right now to move towards your dreams and towards the person you desire to be!
But too many people let fear and obstacles of the mind sabotage their best efforts:
- Procrastination
- Limiting Beliefs
- Lack of Confidence
- Lack of Will Power
- Negative Thinking
Its a constant thing i see over and over again. I want to teach you the exact methods i used to overcome these obstacles that helped change my life.
The first thing that always helps me, is meditation. Now, i get it now everyone wants to sit there with their eyes closed, but it's more than just that, meditation can be going for a walk, watching the sunset, it's calming of the mind and allowing yourself to relax, think clear and focus.
Secondly, is personal/self development. I started out by reading books like "Think & Grow Rich" "The Secret" "How To Win Friends & Influence People" This all helped me grow and advance in my life in different ways, i recommend them all as a MUST read!
Below I have selected a great one for you to listen to by Jim Rohn.
A mentor once told me, the more you learn, the more you earn.
I can guarantee you, if you change your mind with meditation and personal development, you will absolutely change your life in a positive way.