Why being divided is so ridiculous

in #life4 years ago (edited)

No one can deny the fact that since man walked this earth that there has been prejudice, separation, people divided, and judgement of others. Some like to say it is human nature to be that way as long as it causes no harm. Did you ever wonder though how different things could really be with zero of that at all? How if your mind was completely wiped and you knew nothing how maybe you could actually find not only peace within yourself and others, but your true level of consciousness?


Imagine you didn't exist and were born tomorrow

Really, give it a try. Imagine you just came into this world with no one and nothing. Not in the sense of just not having loved ones, but no teachers no one that can teach you anything. No one that can tell you this is this and this is what you are. There are no labels for what gender you are, your race, what the objects around you are, absolutely nothing. You are completely clueless of anything. Now think. How would you go about your life as you age still with no one being able to teach you anything or you being able to learn anything from others? How would you think of those around you? Would you be so judgmental? Would you consider yourself superior as a human species if no one told you we are superior? If no one told you what races should control what? If no one told you what sexual identification or preference is, would it even cross your mind? What religion you should believe and tell you those who believe otherwise are wrong? If you had no persons teachings to guide you, would you still follow along?

You would eventually realize your true meaning

And that could very well be no meaning at all. But because we have been taught to believe we have to be here for a reason, we all just keep searching and branch off into different explanations. "Maybe I was put here. Maybe there is a higher power and I will learn the meaning. It's to serve this or that purpose." Or maybe it is simply to just be. "But that can't be right. How can my purpose here be to just be here?" Well, why not? It goes back to what I was saying about being taught every single thing down to who we are. Who told you who you were? Who taught you that this is this and that is that. If you never had the chance in your entire life to speak with another human being, you would just know you are alive and here. Nothing more. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure many of you have heard spiritual guru's such as Eckhart Tolle and Dalai Lama say, "I am one with everything." Because unlike many of us, though they have been taught a lot of the things we have, they have had spiritual awakenings and are able to flush out those thoughts and realize, we just are.

Which brings me to my point

So how does it make sense to ever label anyone or anything? How does it make sense to justify killing things we believe are beneath us? How does it make sense to ever make a single judgement against anyone ever? It doesn't and I am not trying to be someone saying you're all wrong if you continue to. You've been conditioned, I have been conditioned, and unfortunately so will all future generations. But it is something worth pondering about because it may just bring a little more understanding on your part that you can trickle into this world. Walk outside look up at a bird and don't label it. Don't say well, its just a bird. If you knew nothing of yourself or anything around you, you would look at that bird and say, "it is an alive being of consciousness just like myself." Then try to bring that into your life consistently. When you have the urge to immediately judge someone based on race, sexual orientation, physical appearance, whether they choose to mask or not, whether they choose to vaccinate or not, whether they choose to be with who they want or be whatever they want, stop yourself. Think back and realize you are being for the most part taught your beliefs because you did not always know the things you do. You learned them from somewhere. There does not have to always be so much separation between all of us. This is not who we are or are meant to be.

If you want to take away something from this

Then take this. Realize you are a being, no better than anyone else in this world, no better than any species in this world. I am pretty sure there is no tree on this earth that looks over to the other, because they are conscious living beings, and thinks they are better than the next tree. They do not judge the birds on their branches, the color of the other trees leaves, or how important they are. You know why? Because like the Dalai Lama, they just know they are just there and are one with everything else and no one has taught them any different. Be kind to everything around you and to one another. We need it.

If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday. This gal loves you.


