
Yandex had no issues

When I sought the quote from Brave, that goodreads link was included in the summary. It was assigned the superscript 0, and the encyclopedia was assigned the superscript 1. That is why in the manually typed quote in the OP, which is of the original summary text of that citation of the encyclopedia, that text ends with the 1, and the encyclopedia ends with the 1. I cited that text word for word, and did not insert the word Holocaust.

However, the screencap I took at that time is no longer available. Not only has the text on Brave changed, and the reference to Goodreads gone, changing the superscript of the encyclopedia to 0, and removing the word Holocaust, the screencap on Peakd has been changed, and the copy on my personal computer has been changed. The only evidence of this change is circumstantial, the manually typed quotation in the OP above, and the differences therein from the screencap.

Censorship has taken a new turn. Whether despite, or because, of my extremely limited reach, censors are deleting and changing files on my personal computer, and wherever Peakd stores images uploaded and included in my posts. Regardless of what repercussions may inure to me for reporting this, I am letting you know.

Perhaps the safest response you could take would be to call me schizo and get offline. While my opsec is clearly abysmal, I doubt any opsec that involves internet access is nominal. I don't know what they will do next, but they intend to prevent me from noticing, or factually reporting, this censorship.

'They' includes whoever creates that summary on Brave, in case you were wondering.