I've taken 3 weeks off of writing on Steemit.
Not because I don't love it - I do. It's great to be able to freewrite and have someone out there that reads what I want to say, that hears a message I send out to the block chain. It's not just the cat that's listening to me.I just felt that I was running out of points to make, that I was saying the same things over and over. With the freewriters I have been able to make a number of messages come to life through short story. Each of my stories has a message. I found I was starting to say the same things. I have taken the time to stop and take a look at myself and ask myself what I want.
I have gone and enrolled my self back at university. It's just a Cert IV in Training and Assessment, will only take about 4 months. Still, I see this as turning a corner towards the positive and feel that there will be a lot of wonderful new things that I will be able to learn and share. Lots of professionals in different industries just treat this as a piece of paper. It qualifies a person experienced in a profession to educate in that profession. I will be learning though, from one of the most prestigious Universities in Melbourne (Monash University) and will have a lot to gain.
It is time for change. Time to stop saying the same things and look for a change in career and a change in outlook. A very wise man, Dan Lok, is quoted as saying that there is no greater investment than investing in yourself. That is what has been done. Now I just have to walk the walk. I am keen to share on Steemit the wisdom gained as I go along.
Peace and Happiness be with all of you :)
Hey, welcome back :o)
That's great news about you going to Uni, good on you! Dan Lok is absolutely right in what he said! The very best of luck with it.