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RE: I'm Officially Retiring from Writing Hive Posts

in #lifelast year

Yep. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. On all points.

Except the mess. That's usually the truth of us all and I'm all into that. ut hey ho. I hear you.

And it shouldn't be difficult to add for PeakD and the rest. Would be helpful!

Happy... is it Wednesday already? Huh


PeakD made an awesome little chat feature recently. Big yellow icon up there. Snazzy stuff.

I think with that they'll be able to add more features.

Yeah, I saw yesterday :)

I had a look even. Lots happening in there. Wowza! Good thing I'm in a quiet / learning stage or I'd be all up in there and causing laughs (hopefully) and mayhem (inevitably)

I managed to get through the whole day without starting shit. Good sign.


Progress not perfection! <3