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RE: My Post and the Words Some Will Read Someday

in #life4 years ago

I'm doing nothing right now! Soon I'm heading out to golf a few holes.

I don't think that fire was set deliberately. Some of these massive fires are though and that's sickening. California was burning because of assholes like that. This was just a moron who wasn't respecting advice and the wind picked up so high it was out of control before anyone could stop it. A series of unfortunate events.

Fire is common in Canada. Most is caused by lightning. Thousands of acres burn every year, naturally. People try to stop it but they can't.


I'd love a round today, not played for a while.

Yeah, no excuse for lighting fires around acres of stuff that burns. Poor form.

After ten years I can finally hit the ball in a straight line... I also stopped stuffing cans of beer in my bag.

A couple of beers helps me I think, same with Pool, but then the steady decline and internal anger arises! Not thrown a club for a while though, growing up, slowly.

I raged once on the course. Normally in life I'm quite calm and don't really give a shit about anything. That day was different.

Did you snap or throw, or both?

I ran out of balls. It was only the fifth hole. I was already angry by hole 2. Didn't throw anything. Walked away swearing loudly until I got to the bar. Then I sat alone and drank until they were done their round. By the time they showed up I had a dozen. The wager was "loser buys drinks" ... and they were right.

At least that place had a watering hole, and I'm sure there's a line about emptying your pockets here somewhere :)