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RE: The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Last Call for Alcohol

in #life4 years ago (edited)

I wasn't complaining about money. That's stated more times than I care to count now, all over the place. Since your goal here is to take things out of context, and spin it all to suit your narrative, then argue mute points, this conversation will turn into the waste of time you were once concerned with. Therefore I shall be taking your advice and not take part.


Sorry I should have looked at your account closer,
Your clearly part of the problem

The problem, or your problem?

The problem as in the fundamental flaw with content sites like this,
shit posters and early "investors" farming rewards en mass.
Not really rewarding content but extracting wealth from new hopefuls

Content is a 'product' and Steem's biggest folly was the fact the platform was marketed to amateur creators as a place to earn, rather than to consumers as a place to earn for consuming. When you flip flop, embrace quality content, and attract millions of paying consumers willing to purchase stake, then a portion of the billions the arts and entertainment industry generates annually begins funneling into our lovely blockchain here, creating steady buy pressure on the token, offsetting what creators can potentially sell. In this this industry, typically the consumers outnumber the creators 1000 to 1 at least. That's the part many crypto investors fail to realize. Even you didn't know that. Simply market to consumer, but know they need a 'product' to buy. Nobody buys a shit post. They do support arts, entertainment, crypto personalities, news, information, etc.; provided they like it.

Lol what exactly is the basis for your argument?
Content is a product, active users are a product,
They're are more consumers than producers so pay all consumers,
Where do those funds come from? Investors?
Why would they start without billions of users already since mainstream sites have the majority already can easily buy there stock to invest can't lose more than STEEM/HIVE,
Trust me,I trade stocks better than most and know well factors to consider when evaulting when something has value.

Nowhere else does a consumer get paid to be entertained. I'm not surprised you don't know this, honestly. People consume content all the time and often pay for it in the form subscriptions, individual unit sales, donations, etc. Simply google something like "how much does the music industry generate in a year" then you'll see where the money comes from. I'm sure you're aware people purchase things like magazines, books, newspapers, etc. If you didn't know that, take my word for it.

When you look at something like a Youtube video. You'll see one video and thousands of views. So that's ONE creator, and thousands of consumers. If you weren't aware of this, simply head on over to Youtube and you'll see.

Sometimes you might come across what is known as a streamer. For educational purposes, I suggest you watch a few streams. You'll not only see someone producing content but at the same time you'll hear them say, "Thank you for the donation," constantly. The money flows in as the creator creates.

Where do these funds come from? Again, the millions of people worldwide who spend their money on these things, to the tune of billions of dollars annually.

Everything started out as nothing and became something eventually. Maybe you see this platform as nothing now, but it doesn't need to remain that way.

People struggle with finding ways to make crypto go mainstream. Tapping into that consumer market that already exists is by far the easiest way. There are far more content consumers on this planet than there are investors. I'm sure consumers in this context outnumber investors 10000 to 1 at least.

So again, the selling point is the fact the CONSUMER gets paid to BE entertained, rather than throwing their money away, like they do everywhere else, to the tune of billions annually. Buy pressure on the token, consumer/curation rewards, and the fact they can have their money back if they decide this isn't for them is an easy sell, provided we can work on aligning the planets. Yes. It takes work.

Lol your argument is idiotic and devoid of any facts only your "thoughts" on "facts" that are completely wrong.
Consumers don't get paid, investors do hence the pay to play model it is based on which you probably didn't know since you clearly have an IQ not disimilar to an ant.

Further all the basis on the "points" you make are likening different things and drawing false comparisons, it's common for people with your level of intellect to jump to such things when you have a weak argument and are trying to win regardless of the facts, This specific "wording" is called a False equivalence, a logical fallacy popular with politicians and other mass manipulators, Scammers, Thieves etc

The different things you compare are well established sites with global use which upon creation had little amount of users or many who thought they would succeed.

On probably your most empty-headed statement (kind of hard to tell but had to pick one) on the number of content creators,
YouTube alone have 50 million video makers easily artists and bloggers outnumber these 10 to 1 being very Conservative (I personally would think its closer to 50 to 1 more with Corona world but for a fair argument will leave the lowest possible) would make 500 million content creators,
Having 1% of these on any platform bringing 1000(this being the number anactive content creator would have after 1/2 years) monthly active users each would amount to 5 billion active monthly or about 15 times the active users of Twitter.

2 year old content creator data so estimations postulated are lower than actual prob 10%min -40%max higher.
