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RE: Let's Talk About What We Aren't Supposed To Talk About... Religion!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

You know when you look at a painting and think... huh that looks allot like a painting some other person made, well that's what Jesus is. A compilation of myths unified into one by wise Greeks in a philosophy known as Gnosticism wich later became 1st century Christianity. "Gnosticism consisted of many syncretistic belief systems which combined elements taken from Asian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek and Syrian pagan religions, from astrology, and from Judaism and Christianity."


Jesus loves you!


Jesus still loves you!

All you touch and all you see is all that your life will ever be.

One day we will all stand before our creator and take account for everything we have ever said and done. If one repents and turns to Jesus then all will be forgiven and our canvas is clean. We start fresh and new. All our sins will be forgiven. It starts with Faith! Faith in God as our creator and Faith in his son Jesus Christ that died on the cross for our sins to wash us clean. The Grace we are given is a free gift and all we need to do is accept that gift and give our lives to Jesus to be saved. Our life here on this earth is more than what we see and touch. It is our chance to serve Jesus and spread the gospel to others. To do the good works that Jesus commanded. One day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We will all see him coming in the clouds and if some are not ready by that point it will be to late. I pray that you open your heart to Jesus and repent of any sin in your life before then for we are all sinners and none was perfect accept Jesus. God Bless!


Nice meme, but wasn't Saul a Christian killer that God chose to be a great man of the gospel? If Jeffery Dahmer actually gave his life to Jesus Christ then he would be forgiven of his sins. God hates the sin and not the sinner which means if we truly give ourselves over to Jesus and we are forgiven, we are truly forgiven. Not sure if Jeffery actually did that though.

did you read about the police office?