Nice, Gary V bit. So many times wantreprenuers sit around talking about shit rather than doing it. I'm guilty of it. I've sat there brainstorming ideas for "new businesses" having never actually started one myself.
I never though about what I suck at! I guess that comes from being raised in the era of "participation trophies."
Off the top of my head here is my list:
-Political correctness
-Workplace politics
-Follow through
-Staying focused
I think the big thing in these time is get rid of the romanticism. We tend to make it all about how it feels and how we come across to others. Be honest to yourself and put in the dirty work. The road to achieving something you really want isn't fun most of the time.
You can also check out Jordan Peterson. He is a Canadian psychologist and had really good pieces on Youtube on dealing with yourself.