I've finally confessed to my family: ....

in #life6 years ago

I'm a cryptohead!!!

It took a long time but I decided it was finally time to confess to my family that I like crypto, that I am in crypto as they say and that I might want, if possible, work in crypto. That I am on Steemit and I write. And a few other personal stuff I can't share even here!
It's very difficult thing to do - or at least it was for me - because it's very hard to explain exactly what all this "crypto" is. However I felt it was time to explain a bit to my parents what I do and how I got here. It might surprise you but for them it was a total shocker.

The main reason I wanted them to know was because, for the longest of times, I believe my life was not really going peachy. In many way, Steemit was an unique event that totally changed my direction. I look back at my life pre-Steemit and I see a stranger. A depressed, hopeless guy with no drive to put his talents to work. Steemit was the fire.
I don't regret anything though. The fact that life seemed a lot darker back then it's what led me down the internet hole and looking for answer suggstions and honestly: something to learn. I joined groups and read forums and somewhere, @stellabella kept saying we should try Steemit.
I did.
And now here we are.


It's staggering and scary and weird to think that if it weren't for a boring Friday night I would have never joined. Or maybe I would have done it late? But honestly, nothing would have been the same. The people I met, the people I helped, Steemfest. Everything was like a well-kept secret in my day to day life. Almost nobody knew anything about it.

So, it came to this holiday season for me to say something. This is what I am doing, following and it is something interesting and has potential.
Please don't worry. Well, they will anyway but at least not as much.
It did feel like a confession and an important thing to say, to me. But my family is not very ceremonial and they took it like a any other thing. "If that's what you want, You're a grown ass man do you want our permission?!"
Uhm, in fact, I guess I wanted their approval.
Do we ever get that from our parents?

I am not sure they were too convinced on all this and they might respond when people ask what do I do with "something with bitcoin I think?". But it's good enough for me that they know. That's what was important for me and I hope I kind of explained it well.
I guess I wish they'd ask more questions down the line and I can explain more. I am not hopeful as all this might seem a bit intimidating for them but oh well.

Does your family knows and understands your crypto passion?
Did you convince them to invest or are they interested?
Looking to hear of your experience!


Yes my family knows and understands! I got them all into it haha. Great post!

Wow! That must be cool but also a great responsibility!!

"You can't feed a horse with crypto" - est. 2018

So as you can see, it was futile :)

:))))))))))) cracked me up and you win the 100% upvote comment of the post!

Now sure when my parents accept that I am a crypto head XD

btw I made this using ms paint
have a nice day XD

Did they disown you? Lol... Good thing to tell them so you can start to get them educated on the new industry. :D

It's pretty hard to make your family understand that Steemit is actually your job. I know the feel. Everyone keeps asking "when will you get a real job?"
When I'm earning enough on Steemit why should I work for somebody day and night and earn peanuts?

If I had a satoshi for every time i got asked this....

My wife knows but thinks it is an incredible waste of time, I am not into this very deep just peering in this rabbit hole that we call steemit but it is very intriguing. I am trying to explain how this works to anyone who asks me about it, but I cannot give it justice. I am learning and have taken @joeparys course trying to figure out how to become profitable. The family doesn’t get it but they will as it has also given me some sort of crux point to make major change in all parts of life.. anyway my off point banter doesn’t need to fill your reply section I will make a post in much more detail on my blog to give myself some closure on “coming out”...
Sincerely @dveight

Does your family knows and understands your crypto passion?
Did you convince them to invest or are they interested?

Yep they do and somehow I've convinced them to invest as well. It always helps when your brother is a cryptohead as well XD

:) Glad to hear that, man! I'm happy for you, especially as I've seen you grow and learn before my eyes somehow :)

I told my parents that I’m trading crypto just last week, left the steemit part out for obvious reasons. They actually took it really well, though my mom had just read an article about bitcoin pretty much stating that it would all come crashing down really fast. So that took some debating but they did wish me good luck with it :) Of course they are also worried, but I think parents worry, no matter what we do.

I guess these things take time because it’s still pretty weird that you could make money just on your computer, not even being in an office with co-workers and bosses.

I’m sure your parents want to talk about crypto more with you when they see that you are doing good, or you know, pull up to the next christmas celebration with a Lambo ;)

I'm not the Lambo-buyer type and honestly, while money are cool this is so much more for me but I get your point. Honestly, parents just want to know you'll be alright without them. That's the only gift I can give them now and that I did not ..or could not give them before I guess. Well, to some extent but you know what I mean.

I did not know you trade!!! Very cool to hear that.

Sometimes we have to accept that other people (even family) will never approve of anything we do. When it comes down to it, the only person who needs to approve is YOU!! (And God if that's your belief) That doesn't mean that you shouldn't take advice from other people. You always should try to learn from everyone but you shouldn't try to get approval from everyone too.

Easy to say, hard to do, totally worth the freedom! Good luck!

I bet it was kind of liberating to come forward to your family about you doing crypto, even if they really don't understand what it is. Congrats mate!

You build the guts to come out once you are quite stable on your feet, proud of your crypto worth. Happy to hear that you're there Raz! :)

I must admit i am also a steemitacholic and I find myself in your situation!
cheers @razvanelulmarin