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RE: Have I Lost Faith in Humanity?

in #life3 years ago (edited)

There are a few things I would say on why you deserve more than a like for this post...I'll contact the Gamifaction project team soon to help them introduce some badges maybe at some point...yours is The Badge of Honor! It's an honorable thing that you have done. Bravo!

That image with the kids: "not literally shitting themselves but coming close" ...I don't know how but it was right there, in front of my eyes while reading....


Yeah. Sometimes you don't even need a brush to paint a picture.

LOL @ the badges. That's cool. But I usually keep my trophies in a box. Still, it's appreciated. It's the thought that counts.

I'll make sure to contact the Gamification guys. I'm a Gamification designer and I'll suggest that badge :)
I believe a blockchain Box is already there for badges. Or we can expand in time and send real trophies to our superheroes! But that goes beyond keeping our superheroes anonymous.

....thoughts at night


There's no need to fuss. Take the day off, enjoy some sunshine; or some moonshine.

I'm half a solar being, as a lioness, and half a panther....I don't like those evening hours that we may call the hour between dog and wolf. It's either sunny and joyful or a quiet moon for peace and relaxation....again late-night thoughts.
