Climate change ... there is no such thing

in #life7 years ago

At least that is what Donald Trump tells us. Time and time again. And we know he is a highly educated, well read and literate person, that has the ability to engage and talk to scientists and listen to expert opinion .... oops no sorry, that was that other US president, Barack Obama. My bad. He did get client change. Trump just have no idea.

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Trump actually tweeted numerous times, not only denying that there is any real climate change, but showing a complete and utter ignorance of this topic as well, by asserting that because there are record lows in the town he is in, it means there is no global warming. Really? That is your argument.

All of this goes to prove the old adage that a leader that is elected is NOT the best or most intelligent, but the best reflection of the lowest common denominator of the body that elects him. And let us face it, America is a country that at the bottom 1/3 of its population, is struggling with poor literacy and education, and that the average American's view of the world is far behind most countries. If you are American, I do apologize if I offend, but chest slapping noize making tend to make one focus internally and thus lose the external context. America may at this point be the world's largest economy, and have played a leading role in world politics post WW1, but that position is changing fast on both fronts, and with the leaders you choose (such as Trump) this is now being accelerated.

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So climate change
Ok. I appologise for my rambling but not for my deep dislike in the kind of person Trump is.

Climate change IS GLOBAL WARMING. What that means if you are a trumpeter or do not know, is that the average temperature across the earth is increasing. I massive low in New York does NOT mean that the average is now lower. I would like to teach MR T about averages and GR 5 maths, but I do not think a Narcissist like him could ever be taught and thus will just stay an idiot forever. The whole point of climate change is that the average temperature ACROSS the earth is increasing. And it is. In the last decade this is a commonly accepted FACT. Not the fake news the Trumps read.

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I suppose one has two questions here (you may have others):

  1. So what?
  2. Is it really us that is causing it?
    (3. But it is them seems to be the American (he is your president) version - but that is to pre teen to even address).

So What
The fact that temperatures are rising means that it gets warmer right Well wrong. The average is getting warmer, but our climate on average is not a indicator of what happens in SPECIFIC places. While certain areas are getting warmer, climate change also means that at times others are getting far colder. Also places with good rainfall are experiencing major dry spells and areas are getting massive amounts of rainfall that use to be temperate. So MR Trumpeter, besides your idiotic ramblings, yes you WILL get major record lowest temperatures ... the whole model of the effect of climate change is EXTREME WEATHER, including high and low temperatures and high and low rainfall.

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Examples are the number of major hurricanes and typhoons hitting the world in the last couple of years, as well as storms with increasing severity across Africa and Europe. Once in a lifetime went to once in a decade to a few times a year storms ... Record highs across the world are followed by record lows. Incredible rainfall is followed by prolonged dry spells. All of this is very easy to understand and clear if you bother to just listen to a few people or read. But to listen you need to shut up and let go of your ego .. something a narcissist can not do, or be literate enough to read slightly technical literature .. something you will battle with if your vocabulary includes made up words and two syllable words as the total of your linguistic command

Is it US
The climate is always changing, and many factors influence it. That is not the problem. And we are only one of those factors. However in the post industrial revolution era, we have started to have such an accelerated impact that we are causing through this rate of change mass extinction events only surpassed by massive meteor strikes and super volcanoes, and we do not want to be around if any of those occur.

So yes, it is us. And we will keep on accelerating the destruction of species on earth (and eventually our own destruction) if we do not stop NOW. And with idiots like Trump just so easy to manipulate by lobby groups such as manufacturer's et al, we are in big trouble. So elect this big idiot has doomed the world to more destruction in years to come, but thank heavens countries like China are willing to increase their commitment and show their world leader status at the expense of the USA. This despite the idiotic drivel that Trumpeter spews out via his short little messages.

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lol, a bit doom and gloom but yeah "pretty much" ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Was that time of the day LOL. After watching crypto prices and not getting a window to trade by before having a whisky