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RE: I'm Pulling The Trigger On A Toxic Friendship Today...

in #life8 years ago

Good for you Kaylin. Unfortunately, we have to do this sometimes in life.

I know this will sound horrible, but one of the reasons I moved to Fl from NY was to get away from my immediate family. Now don't get me wrong I have a good relationship with them.

However, many of them are so negative (luckily my mom rocks though!) and I was such a negative person growing up and even in my early twenties. I knew I needed to not be exposed to that on a daily basis if I wanted to changed.

So when my best friend said he was moving to FL I decided that was my chance to get away. It was the best decision I ever made. I am such a better person now, my relationship with my family is actually better even though I see the a fraction of the time I did. Could not be happier.