The Most Powerful Thing to Cure Your Life Problem/Burden.

in #life6 years ago



Every human being ever felt down into lowest condition in their life caused by certain matters, such as having some problem, calamity, dissapointed, and everything what brought people into depression/stressed/frustrated. In fact, these varieties condition has overall influenced to the way of people think, going on their life, life style matters, many more who decided to break out his life, many more who still fighting in their struggled to find solution as the cured.

Imagine how could if there are some people who just let it their life end up by suicide or etc. caused by their unknowing and unbalanced mindset to deal with their problems, this the seriously cases which already happen in the world we live now. According to the general life research about human overact within their life, there are for about ..... % who decided to end up their life in a year. This is totally serious problem which is need to paid attention by finding what is the best ways to come over this phenomenal.

Life and problem is both of linked words that is determined how was succeed somebody in facing and balancing both of cases. As we know, life is not always contained by happiness eventhough you try hard to created, but the problem is the inggredient within, which means you can't avoid by its present but the only thing you should do is finding the way out as solution then cured it.

Indeed in reality, we know that is not easy while you try to find the way out, you must underlined within these try laid a timing range in the other word PROGRESSED, and also it just not only a timing range, but you also need thing such as fuel to reach the destination in the progressed. In this case, the fuel that I mean is what is the most powerful thing you choose in finding/supporting you to find the way out!


Do we ever thinking about how the most powerful our Prophet SAW or yours one while he fall down caused by some life problem/test from The Almighty God, but instead He still stand tight to faced their life, come over those problem and cured in the end.

In this point, he believes that he can do it caused there are still The Almighty God who will help and show the way out, and this ways doesn't just come as it has to be, but by PRAYING will make their hope painted in front of the eyes. Praying will cured your heart, then stabilize your mind, caused this is thing which is only you and Almighty God knew.


So, all you need to do is Pray to Your God, tell Him everything you felt, asked Him to show you the way out as it passed to the Prophet before, Ask everything with your faith and believe, caused the Praying is just the best way when everything fall apart, every tries failed. Just make a Pray to your Almight God.

Indeed, I'm a moslem, but this is a general case, which means if you're non-moslem you also need to make a pray instead a wish. Because, between the words Pray & Wish is just different means, if you wish you ask something in hopeful it will come as real but when you Pray it means, you just did beyond the wish by asking and story-telling to your God about your life, the whole you felt within. By the end of your pray, you will feel free caused the pain story just released to the Right Place, then the rest, all you need to do is try hard by all your strenght that you get from your Praying.

Believe me, this is truly real. Just open our mind to look back in a thousand years passed already about the first Man Story that is Prophet Adam (AS) who try hard within his Praying to come pver the problem about His sons and daughters story, who made the first history of murdered in the world. Then also about the story of Prophet Noah who make a Praying to come over with His wife, also Moses who make a Praying by the time of Pharaoh's Army Flanked surrounded them toward the sea.

Just still alot of stories which is described about the Powerful Strength within a Praying, you decided to make it as exemplary within experiences or otherwise.

There are one verse which is described all about the pray within holy Al-Qur'an, that is Ud'uny Astajib Lakum as the proof that Allah SWT will help and support you, believe me!

Something we must know that is all religion taught their belivers to Pray, make a wish. This is come as the proif that is Praying is the most powerful thing we should do. Beside the style was totally different but the mean that laid within is similar, that is all of us need our God for a help.

You can look at how Moslem Praying styles by pull up both of hand to the God.

and also how the christian prayer style does.

I didn't described about how the whole religions praying style exemplary here, but as you can see to both of oicture above really mean something that we need God, tell tour story to tour God, released the pain and believe for His Blessing that will come to you.

Please have a look within this video.

Don't be worry about the day, just belive to yourself to deal with it!
Don't be afraid about the life dangerous matters, just make a praying to Your God and just believe He will cured it!
Let make the world PEACE and be it as the Better Place.
Thanks for passing by.

Your Friends,


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